funnest day ever (≧∇≦)

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contains: little space
                  namjoon as little

written: 5th march 2021
enjoy everyone ˙˚ʚ(´◡')ɞ˚˙


namjoon lay in bed in his fluffy unicorn pajamas with his pacifier between his lips. soft tears raced down his plump and always tear stained cheeks. his day had started off as a good one but had quickly gone downhill. his jimin wasn't feeling well today. and namjoon didn't know why, but jimin had just said he had a really bad headache and not to worry about him too much. but namjoon did.. he couldn't help it.

when you care about someone a lot, you naturally worry. and with namjoon being easily upset when he was in little space, the boy was sobbing silently in his bed. he was meant to be getting ready to go out to the shops but he wasnt.

he pouted and sat up in the bed, his feet cold from the sudden cold air against his feet. namjoon panted a bit and wiped his teary eyes. he didn't want to lay and cry anymore. it felt like a waste of time, a waste of his day. and so he waddled to the wardrobe and chose out an outfit for himself. namjoon wasn't good with clothes at all, especially with matching colours together. he'd usually just wear pastels since they all deemed to look nice together. he hated to wear black and white things. they were just.. boring. they made him want to cry looking at them. he needed exciting colours.

with his outfit on, namjoon would sit on the floor with his favorite teddy and have a think to himself about what he should do to cheer up his jimin. perhaps he could tidy up the house for him.. maybe he could make him some nice food.. maybe he could run him a warm bath.. there was lots of ideas but he knew they'd be difficult for him to actually achieve, as he wasn't able to do many things in little space. however, he did want to become more independent.

"wha does teddy fink?" asked namjoon to his teddy, making teddy talk back to him, saying what he would want to hear in times like these.

"well, I think it's always good to give it a go! you can't say you can't until you haven't tried!" said teddy, bringing a smile to namjoon's face. he shuffled over to his teddy before hugging him and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"fank chu, teddy! yous the best!" cheered namjoon, before scrambling up from where he sat on the floor, and rushed over to his bed to make the bed since he had left it all messy. he would pull the covers out to the corners so it was all even, before doing his best to fold up his comfort blanket and place it ontop of his side of the bed. his folding was a little messy but he managed to do it none the less.

with the bed all tidied up, namjoon turned around and looked for more things that needed sorting out. he frowned at his clothes on the floor, knowing jimin probably wasn't very appreciative of that. he picked up as many things as he could before placing them in the wash basket. while he continued to clean up the floor, an idea came to mind. he looked over to his messy desk, paper and colouring pens almost everywhere. he for sure planned on cleaning it all up, but also another idea came to his head.

he should make drawings! it was such a genius idea, he couldn't not do it.

and so namjoon got to work, dashing to his desk and carefully taking a seat. he stared at the paper before thinking of an idea to do. on each paper he would draw a letter with pretty pictures around it. and it would all form a sentence that namjoon knew made jimin happy to hear from him.

in namjoon's opinion, his first drawing was probably the best one out of all of the ones that he did

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in namjoon's opinion, his first drawing was probably the best one out of all of the ones that he did. it was him and namjoon in bed, and he had hardly even gone out of the lines at all! he also adored the little hearts and confetti he had added to the background. it made it look so so pretty. he wishes he could paint the whole background pink too, but that would just take too long and also make his pens run out. he didn't want them to run out.

the other drawings were equally as pink and colourful, making namjoon smile lots and lots. it was hard not to smile at so many pretty colours all in one place. jimin hummed in thought, looking around the room and wondering where he should put them for jimin to see. he looked around and thought hard, eventually settling on putting them on the bed in the correct order so the sentence could be read properly. with an excited smile on his face, namjoon got right back to cleaning and this time began working on the bathroom. he did every thing that he could without touching the dangerous chemicals jimin warned him of. as much as he wanted to do the best he could, he knew he would still be scolded if he dare touch the cleaning products.

namjoon began with throwing empty bottles in the bin, before taking all of the bottles off and using some baby wipes to carefully wipe down the counter top. it looked so shiny and fresh already and he was feeling so so proud of himself. he then put all the bottles back on to the counter top, standing them where they had been before. namjoon's memoty was quite impressive, and he could remember pretty much where everything had been placed. with that now finished, namjoon decided it was time to clean off the mirror. it was so dusty and dirty compared to the counter top he had just cleaned off. he pouted, remember a time that jimin had told him not to use baby wipes on glass. and mirrors were made of glass.

he huffed softly, waddling out of the bathroom and wondering what more there was to do. when namjoon came out into the bedroom though, he saw jimin sat on the end of the bed and looking down at the drawings. namjoon gasped, not having expected it.

"what's this for?" asked jimin in confusion. namjoon's cheeks turned warm and pinkish, as he slowly stepped towards jimin. for some reason he was feeling guilty.

"o-oh.. joonie knows chu not feelin' good" mumbled namjoon, fiddling with his fingers anxiously. jimin finally looked up to him from the drawings, a sad look on his face.

"I said not to worry, sweet heart" is all that the caregiver said, standing up from the bed and peering down at namjoon.

"joonie knows! but.. s just wanned to make you feew better.." he told, glancing at the bathroom, back to the drawings, back to the perfectly made bed and tidy floor.

"you're very sweet for this, but it's just a matter of time until I feel better. it's just a headache, nothing major" told jimin, his head tilted to the side.

namjoon nodded at that, wondering if he should have just left jimin alone and not done any of this. namjoon had lowered his head now, something he did when he was anxious or guilty. in this case, both.

but it wasn't long till his head was lifted by a finger against his chin.

"times like this remind me of how much I love you too, babe" added jimin, now looking at the drawings and smiling to them. even though the headache from his hangover was very much still there, he was feeling better.

he looked back to namjoon with a gentle smile. "let's go and hang these on the fridge, aye?" suggested jimin, and immediately namjoon's face lit up with happiness.

he liked the drawings!!

and clearly a lot, because that was just what the two went to do after that.. hang the drawings up on the fridge. namjoon was jumping around excitedly from pride and joy, feeling absolutely ecstatic that jimin liked them.

today was the funnest day ever.


don't forget to vote!!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I really enjoy writing things that include little space, they're super precious and I just love littles so much.

anyway that's it ˙˚ʚ(´◡')ɞ˚˙ have an amazing rest of your day, sweeties.

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