snow *̣̥☆·͙̥❄‧̩̥࿌ིྀ྇˟͙☃️

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enjoy, my loves! ˙˚ʚ(´◡')ɞ˚˙
written: 1st march 2021


jimin was cozier than ever, tucked up in bed with his arms wrapped around his lovely partner, kim namjoon. jimin's love for the man was infinite and never ending. he couldn't get enough of him at all, especially moments like these.

the cold air nipped at jimin's face and neck, stirring the sleepy boy awake. what was it so cold for? jimin asked to himself. it wasn't usually this cold in the mornings. had he left the window open again on accident? he better not have. he'd be angry at himself if he had. even though he was suddenly freezing and also very much awake, jimin still didn't move from the bed. he was far too comfortable and content where he was.

however, it wasn't long until jimin was shook off of his partner.. by his partner himself moving him and sitting up from the bed. namjoon visibly shivered, grumbling at the cold air against his bare torso. jimin's eyes wandered across his pale skin, his muscular back and shoulders. he blushed slightly, before distracting himself by sitting up. "what's with the freezing cold air? did we leave the window open?" groaned namjoon as he stood up from the bed. jimin stood up as well to check the window behind the blinds.

however as soon as he opened them, he was struck with awe.

"SNOW! JOONIE, SNOW!" he exclaimed with excitement. jimin absolutely adored the snow, and as january was coming to a close, he had lost hope that there would be any snow this year.. but there was! and that made jimin so happy.

"oh! you were hoping for some snow this year, weren't you?" smiled namjoon, placing his hands on jimin's waist as he stood behind him and watched the snow fall.

"I was! and my wishes came true" he exclaimed. he wanted to get dressed immediately and rush out into the snow.. but his rumbling tummy was a reminder of how badly he wanted some breakfast.

"the snow angels listened to you" replied namjoon with a bright smile, in a loving affectionate voice. the elder dipped his head down and planted a kiss on jimin's cheek. "come on though.. we can't go out in the snow on an empty stomach". and with that, namjoon grabbed the boys hand and began heading down stairs for some yummy breakfast. jimin would follow happily right behind him.

"I was thinking since its a snow day we should have something more special. how does pancakes and a smoothie sound, baby?" suggested namjoon as he headed over to the kettle. he filled it up with water before popping it on the kettle to boil.

"oooo, good idea good idea" replied jimin. he had taken a seat on one of the plastic stools in their kitchen and was checking his phone, going through notifications like he always did in the mornings. after that, he stood up from the chair and whined a little. "these chairs always hurt to get up from. they stick to your thighs so easily and then peal off" he sighed. he wishes he brought new, nicer chairs for the kitchen instead of reusing the old ones at his parents home. they were never very good chairs anyway, it would have just been better to get some new ones.

"perhaps we can get a cushion for them, babe" suggested namjoon. jimin nodded to the idea. he didn't have much spare money for furniture at the moment and neither did namjoon.

"I'm gonna make the smoothi-"

suddenly namjoon shushed him and began walking towards him. he took both of the younger's hands in his, looking into his eyes. "I want to treat you today, dear. you just sit at the table and look pretty for me, and I'll bring you over your food" told namjoon, his voice soft and caring. jimin's lover brought one of his hands up to his lips and kissed it gently, before setting his hand back by his side. and hearing the click of the kettle, namjoon turned back to finish off making his cup of tea.

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