stars .・。.・゜✭・

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enjoy, sweeties ˙˚ʚ(´◡')ɞ˚˙
written: 28th feb 2021

note: I know it's not friday
today but if I'm not mistaken,
I forgot to publish a chapter last
week so here is this!! yeahhhh


jimin had never been so excited to go out before, because this time he wasn't just going out. he was going out to meet someone he'd had his eye on for quite some time.


his stomach was cherning with nerves, his heart thumping with anxiety and his hands clammy with sweet. to put it shortly, jimin was incredibly nervous. scared, even. and he hated to feel this way. he almost felt like bursting into tears, but not now.

he just simply couldn't.

not in front of... him.

him who jimin had liked for months.

him who jimin fantasized about on the daily.

"excuse me?" he heard a voice speaking softly to him, but yet the tone was impatient. and jimin didn't blame him for it. he was holding up the boy's time to go home, but underneath his slightly impatient tone, the boy.. didn't seem all that bothered.

jimin's lips parted to say something, before he closed them again. his cheeks had never been so warm before, and he could barley even speak from his nerves. but he couldn't keep him here any longer.

"u-uh.. date?" jimin managed to squeeze out. after receiving a bewildered look from his crush, jimin knew he'd have to grow a pair and ask the whole question. "would you want a date with me?" he said.

jimin, what the fuck was that

jimin's cheeks were glowing so red that he was 100% sure they'd glow in the dark. he was so embarrassed that he'd phrased it like that, but his embarrassment faultered as he saw a smile come to namjoon's lips.

"what a sweet offer from such a sweet boy. I couldn't turn it down, even if I wanted to" namjoon told, the elders attitude and voice much more confident than his own. jimin blushed, this time just from being flustered. "where would we be going on this date..?"


and now it was that time. that time where they were taking up the idea that jimin had suggested to them. he inspected his outfit, wondering if he would be warm enough out in the cold night. they planned on actually sleeping together in a tent overnight, as well as the main idea.

star gazing.

the idea had always been so so fun to jimin but he'd never gotten the chance to go with anyone before. sighing in content, jimin looked at his outfit some more. a pair of black baggy jeans, an oversized pink hoodie with a vest top underneath, and a pair of fluffy socks that would he stuffed into his trainers. he was comfortable and didn't look all that bad. on his pink hoodie was a cute little cat eating a pizza slice. jimin didn't remember the brand but it certainly was adorable. he thought he looked decent enough for a date like this. it was casual, just a chill date. but jimin really could not wait.


the time they had agreed to meet had finally arrived. perhaps jimin's excitement made the wait longer and more boring, but it felt like a million years had gone by in the span of about eight hours. but it was at last time. it was currently 6pm, the time that the pair had agreed to meet up at the local convenience store to purchase some yummy snacks to share on their date.

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