questioning ( '・ω・)

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contains: smut

jimin and jungkook had always been best friends from the very day they met to two years later, where they were now. they were sat on jimin's bed side by side, a controller in each of their hands, playing video games as per usual. they usually played a variety of games, but at the moment they were both super into death by daylight, a game in which 4 players have to deactivate these five... box thingies, before escaping through the gate. except there's a killer after you the entire time. it really got your adrenaline pumping, especially when the killer was near you.

"jungkook!" shouted jimin as he continued to be chased by the killer, for almost a minute now. jungkook glanced over to his screen, and directed his character to go and save jimin by sacrificing himself. he had always been good at escaping the killer, so it wasn't a problem for him at all to do so. with jimin escaped and hiding with jungkook, the killer was bewildered. then a siren rang out, indicating that they were able to escape through the gate now. and so they ran as fast as they could to the gate, making sure to be stealthy while they were at it.

"that game was intense" whined jimin as he wiped the sweat off his forehead jokingly. jungkook laughed at that, almost clicking on a "new match" to start a new game before.. "I'm kinda hungry though.."

jungkook glanced over at jimin, laying eyes on jimin's adorable puppy eyes that were practically begging for them to go and get something to eat. it made jungkook feel weird, but in a positive way. he couldn't pin point how he was feeling, but it was a similar way to how he had when a woman he liked did something cute. he was tempted to coo at jimin's behavior, to baby him, to call him pet names and reassure him that they'll go and get food. but he couldn't do that, not to his best friend, not to somebody that would probably leave because he was being weird. actually, maybe not that end part. they hadn't really spoken about what they thought of gay people. not that jungkook was gay! "you're noy gay, no don't be silly" jungkook would tell himself.

"we'll go and get dinner then. shall we get takeout, or..?" asked jungkook, pulling his eyes away as he realised he'd been staring for quite some time.

a blush brushed across jimin's cheeks as he placed his controller to one side. jungkook was confused, heart thumping as jimin moved closer to him. jimin had placed a hand on jungkook's thigh, holding himself up as he whispered in jungkook's ear.

"I'm hungry in the sense that I want you" jimin had whispered. the words went right to his cock where he felt himself harden in his sweat pants. his lips parted, his mouth suddenly dry. he didn't really say much, not really sure what to say. was jimin testing him? did he actually want him? "but only if you want me too" added jimin, being able to see the look of confusion on his best friend's face.

jungkook stood up from the bed, leaving jimin sitting there. he stared down at jimin with a disgusted, but mostly confused, expression on his face. "we can't do that" jungkook shakily said. "that's just weird" he would add, and he could almost see the look of hurt in jimin's eyes.

"why is it weird?" asked jimin, trying to understand what jungkook was saying more, in case he took it the wrong way.

"I'm meant to do that with women, not you! I can't do that with you, that's not how it works!" told jungkook, trying to convince himself more than anything.

"but you want to" added jimin, "so why not?". jungkook honestly didn't know how to answer him. he was honestly most confused how jimin knew that he wanted to, since he hadn't said anything about wanting to.

"how do you even know that I want to?" scoffed jungkook, "I didn't even say I-"

"kookie, it's all written on the boner in your sweat pants" told jimin, raising an eye brow at him. he glanced down, a strong feeling of humiliation washing over him. he was so confused, so lost right now. but most of all he was conflicted with what to do. jimin wasn't hitting him with anything other than facts, and jungkook wanted it anyway, and so did jimin. so why was he so hesitant to do all of this? why did he even want to do all of this? he wasn't into men, he wasn't gay. he couldn't be gay, that's just ridiculous.

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