hot tub >//<

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super super sorry for little to no updates recently. I have a lot of hobbies and other things in my life and so it's hard to always keep up with everything all the time.

I also find that I have many ideas but not enough time or patience to write them all out... so that's a bit of an issue but I'm doing my best. I've thought of a couple new ideas yesterday that I really wanna have a go at writing so stay tuned for that, friendos^^

also, thank you all so much for all the support on this book. 500+ reads, #1 in #minimoni and then #3 and now #2 in #minimoni?! that's absolutely insane, thank you so so much ahhh

anyway, onto the smut :)

written: 9th may 2021
contains: smut

jimin's hand came over his mouth as he gasped in surprise, continuing to stare at the... the hot tub in front of him. he had mentioned wanting to get a hot tub a couple of times over their relationship but the fact that namjoon had actually got him one really surprised him and made him happy too. he turned to namjoon after a small while, bouncing on his tippy toes while giving him a big hug.

"I can't believe you!" gasped jimin, continuing to squeeze namjoon affectionately in his hold.

namjoon could only giggle and hug him back. "you like it?"

"of course I like it! thank you so much, joonie" he said in reply, eventually dropping his arms from namjoon's body and stepping towards the hot tub. it still had the lid on it, to keep the water inside warm.

"can we put on swimming shorts and get in?" asked jimin with excitement, spinning around to face namjoon. he was unknowingly giving him puppy eyes. with a bright smile, namjoon agreed.

jimin rushes down the stairs once he has a towel and his swim wear on. namjoon had already been ready and waiting down stairs for jimin to come down. he left the lid of the hot tub on so it wouldn't get cold as fast.

"jimin!" smiled namjoon as he watched his boyfriend run into the garden where the hot tub was. jimin hung the towel over one of the garden chairs and stood besides namjoon, ready to get in the hot tub. he took a step back to give room for namjoon to take off the lid of the hot tub, excitedly peering under the lid as it came off.

"okay! it's ready to get in now" told namjoon, checking the temperature was okay to climb into. jimin nodded and stepped carefully into the hot tub for the first time ever. he took a seat on one of the seats around the edges, leaning back into it and relaxing into the heat. he laid his arms around the edges of the hot tub and spread his legs in a relaxed manor. his eyes fluttered closed as he enjoyed the relaxing feel of the warm water.

meanwhile, namjoon was busy investigating the different settings. he clicked on a button, not knowing what exactly it would do. suddenly he heard a surprised squeal and saw jimin sitting up straight in the hot tub.

"what's wrong?" namjoon asked in confusion, however was able to piece things together when he could feel the strength of the water jets against his thigh. he chuckled a little as he watched jimin's cheeks heat up in embarrassment. eventually, he would calm down, looking at jimin with a slightly seductive look.

"sit back on the jets, jimin" prompted namjoon. jimin's eyes were wide and soft and the boy didn't move from his up right position. namjoon swum over to jimin, placing both his hands on the  boys thighs and pulling them forward, spreading them as he did so. jimin wasn't fighting what was happening but wasn't leaning into it either. he wanted it but it felt so overwhelmingly good that he almost didn't. he simply wasn't able to handle it.

suddenly jimin felt that same feeling of the high pressure water hitting his flower. he gasped for air, the feeling of it oh so pleasurable and intense. it was hitting him at such an angle that it was hitting his clit absolutely perfectly.

"does that feel good, huh?" namjoon whispered, earning a speechless nod from jimin. he felt like he was going to explode. he was stuck in this position, he was stuck feeling the pleasure of the water jet against his pussy. the way namjoon was holding him in that position so dominantly made the whole experience even better.

the pleasure was so intense that he felt as though he was going to cum already. he felt so so close to orgasm that he could already feel it. and then that feeling took over his body and he came right then and there. his body shivered and jolted about, the high pressure water continuing to hit his clit as he came. namjoon let go of jimin's thighs, allowing the boy to move again if he wanted to. but jimin stayed in the same position, whining for namjoon to come back to him. when he did, he held his thighs in that same way. jimin moaned out from the over stimulation, hardly even caring that people might be able to hear him.

jimin grinded needily into pressure of the water jet, desperate for more imtense stimulation. he wanted to come again, in fact he needed to come again. he felt like he wasn't finished finished. he felt like he needed more. while it was hard to orgasm right after having one, jimin still wanted to put in the effort for another one.

"come on, baby. come for me" he heard namjoon's husky voice whisper into his now red and warm ears. "you can do it.." he coaxed, and eventually he did. his body shook with the intense pleasure, as he gasped desperately for air. it took him a longer time to calm down, especially because more and more water was hitting his now slightly swollen pussy. it felt so amazing, so blissful. to end everything off, namjoon pulled jimin in for a loving kiss to the forehead.

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