flower bouchets

931 27 5

contains: nothing sensitive, just soft
written: 9th may 2021
enjoy :)


every morning for the past two weeks, a bouchet of flowers had been placed on jimin's doorstep with a poetic letter along with it. jimin loved waking up to the romantic surprise, he would even keep all the letters, along with the flowers too of course. all the window sills around his house had become a little crowded with flower vases and it had become quite the mission to water them all. perhaps it was cruel to say but jimin was relieved to see some of the flowers dying out. he knew he would have more on their way so he couldn't help but be relieved to see that they'd be coming in at the same rate they'd be dying out.

upon waking up, jimin swiftly rushed down the stairs to the door step to see the letter and flowers placed on there. this time around, the flowers were placed in a plastic temporary plot and the letter was a lot shorter.

" these are daffodils. not grown yet, just shoots. plant them in your garden when they get bigger. but anyway, meet me at the town centre park at 5pm, wear something nice and make sure you don't eat before you come out. that may sound a little dodgy but just trust me, beautiful "

jimin giggled at the last sentence, both out of shyness and the comment about it sounding dodgy.

so.. he's revealing his identity to me.. and taking me out to eat in the same night? jimin was horribly unprepared for absolutely everything one could be unprepared for. he didn't know what to wear, how to get to the town centre park, if he was even available for 5pm.. actually that last one was a lie. jimin didn't go out much, so he was free most of the time. this time being one of those times. but still!! what did he wear, did he bring money?! he was very much panicking.

but something in the back of his head told him to calm down and that it'd all be alright. and so he trusted it and simply began planning himself out a pretty outfit and looking for directions to the town centre park.


the time was 4:50 and jimin had never been more anxious to just go to the park. but with the help from google maps, he made his way there. it was still daylight and not too dark so it wasn't too difficult to find the park. but when he got there, he remembered how big it was. how was he supposed to find this guy he was supposed to meet?

"jimin? hi" greeted a deep voice. the voice came from the left of him and so a little startled, he turned. his eyes moved up from the guys chest to his face, making eye contact for the first time ever with him. his features were sharp and charming yet soft and warm, giving him an alluring aura. an alluring aura that he recognized so well.

jimin must have had a weird expression on because the next minute he knew, his friend, namjoon, was wearing a panicked expression on his own face.

"namjoon, are you okay?" asked jimin in concern. him and namjoon had been friends for quite some time now so he could understand why he might be a little panicky right now.

"no, it's okay. I shouldn't react in such ways in the fact of rejection" namjoon muttered out.

"rejection? joonie, I've not said anything to you yet, how do you know what I'm going to say?" asked jimin, looking up at the slightly pouty namjoon. on the outside, he was a very big man with broad shoulders and an intimidating resting face but on the inside, jimin knew he was a softie just like everybody else.

"you mustn't always expect the worst" told jimin with a joking shake of his head, before getting up on his tippy toes and placing a gentle kiss to namjoon's cheek.

"so, you were gonna take me out to dinner?" asked jimin, smoothly taking the taller man's hand. to put it shortly, namjoon looked very shocked and taken aback. it took him a few seconds to hold his hand back, but eventually he did and the pair got walking to the restaurant.

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