give me more (❁'◡'❁)

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enjoy, sweeties ˙˚ʚ('◡')ɞ˚˙
written: 27th feb 2021

contains: smut
                  degrading k!nk
                  praise k!nk


jimin was always extremely shy with what he wanted to do sexually, even with namjoon.. his partner of over two years now. namjoon sometimes was confused why, because he was extremely open to jimin and they always talked things out. but also, jimin could be very very open about certain things too. it was confusing and perhaps slightly upsetting to namjoon, simply because he thought that with two years of being together, he'd be able to test that namjoon wouldn't judge him for the things he likes or the things he wants to do. he just had to learn to be more patient, is what he often told himself though.

"you can trust me with anything, you know? it's only me, babe" namjoon comforted, a gentle hand rubbing jimin's thigh as he sat in his lap. jimin sighed a bit and continued to rest his head against namjoon's chest.

"I know.. 's just the last time I suggested this to a lover, he left me.. he thought it was that weird that he left me" jimin explained. he'd never really mentioned much of his exes to namjoon, since he never enjoyed talking about them to anyone at all.

namjoon sighed a little before speaking up again. "I know how hard it is.. and I know how easy it is to think that the same reaction will happen. I had a similar thing with you, when I mentioned the uh.. public sex I was terrified, so I know how it feels. but we just have to move past our worries together, as a team. I'll stay with you till the day I die" told namjoon, his voice soft and genuine.

jimin almost felt like bursting into tears. namjoon always knew how to make him feel better. he sighed shakily, nodding his head. "I was wondering if maybe.. you wanted to tie me up, and.." jimin said, even more embarrassed of the next part.

"go on" encouraged namjoon.

"a-and edge me.. like.. I think you know what it is" he finished, burying his head in the crook of namjoon's neck with shyness. namjoon had gone dead silent, and it worried jimin. but just as he looked up for some sort of a reply, he got one.

"fuck, I'd love to" he had breathed out. jimin felt his tummy fill with butterflies, looking up at namjoon with a bit of surprise, and a lot of redness come to his cheeks. namjoon spoke in such a different way when he was horny, and it wasnt hard to notice it at all.

and with that, namjoon gripped onto the boys waist harshly but gently, and laid him down against the mattress. the dominant went immediately for his lover's plumper lips, groaning with need as his hands explored and trailed sensually down jimin's beautiful body. jimin whimpered into the kiss, growing more and more needy for namjoon over time.

he felt namjoon's hands run against his thighs. namjoon had always loved and admired his thighs. it wasn't hard for jimin to tease him with them. when he was feeling more confident, he enjoyed teasing him, with both words, with clothes which highlighted how plump they were, and with images he'd send him while he was at work.

namjoon pulled away from the kiss and whispered into jimin's ear.

"what would you like to be tied with, dear?" whispered namjoon before ducking down into jimin's neck and nibbling, biting at his skin. jimin moaned, breathing out his answer as he desperately pulled at namjoon's hair.

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