Chapter 20

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David had become the kids's rolemodel. He had also become my rolemodel. I didnt know how to thank him for giving up everything to help me. He was the closest friend i had, he tried everything to help me move on. He knew what would help me but i wouldnt listen to him. He had gone to the only other thing he could think of, meditation. We sat in my bedroom doing the morning meditation. The thought that kept going through my brain was, it must be weird watching me do meditation with David Bowie.

"Just clear your mind" David advised

I forced myself no to giggle as i just kept my eyes on David meditating. David noticed i wasnt even trying so he tackled me to the bed.

"Concentrate" David said tickling me

"Ah, get off" I screamed

"If i get off what will you do?" David asked

"Meditate" I replied

As David clambered off me i managed to slap his arm.

"Youre so cruel Mr Bowie" I moaned

"You havent even seen the cruel side yet" David threatened

I did try medatating bakc when our parents died but it just didnt work, Brian kept interrupting.


I sat in my room meditating, or at least trying my best to. As i begun to fully meditate someone came running into the room. As i had my eyes closed it couldnt see who it was but i presumed it was Brian as there was no one else in the house. Brian began playing around on his Red Special while standing in the door way to my room.

"Bri" I moaned opening my eyes

Brian didnt stop but kept playing Jailhouse Rock.

"Come on sing for me" Brian urged

"No, im not in a mood for singing. I miss mum and dad and im trying to meditate so will you just leave me alone" I complained

I clambered off the bed and tried pushing Brian out the door. Instead he didnt move but just kept playing.

"I will kick you out the house if you dont leave me alone" I threatened

Brian didnt stop so i ended up going down to meditate in his room just to annoy him. I heard him coming down the hallway still playing but his lead musnt have been long enough as i heard a load bang. I carried on meditating but then Brian shouted out in pain. I rushed from the room to make sur ehe was okay. He was laid on the floor with his guitar to the side. He had clearly hit his head on the door frame to our parents's room.

"Bri you okay?" I asked rushing over to him

"Just get an ice pack" Brian replied pulling himself into a sitting position

I rna downstairs and into the kitchen. I went searching through the freezer for an ice pack but couldnt find one. Being the smart person i am i grabbed a bag of peas that hadnt yet been opened. I began running back upstairs to Brian.

"Bri i couldn't find an ice pack so i grabbed a bag of frozen peas" I said

"Thats fine" Brian replied holding the ice pack to his head


So yeah meditating hasnt been good for me. The was the first time i had properly meditated and put my brain in the right mood it. Then the kids came running in. I let out a deep breath as they jumped onto the bed.

"Uncle Rogers got a new car" Jade shouted seeming a little excited

I began giggling as i could hear a car horn sound.

"Can we go out for a drive with uncle Roger?" Dafne asked

"Sure" I replied

The kids began running from the room leaving me and David to follow. As we reached the front door my eyes laid on and Aston Martin DB11 (A/n: i dont know when the car came out so it might've not existed back then lol).

"Wow Rog" I said as we reached the door

"I know" Roger said out of the car window

The kids clambered in the back and were a little excitable.

"Rog just dont kidnapp them" I said

"I wont" Roger said, a cheeky grin crossing his face

I shook my head before Roger set off. Me and David stepped back into the house before closing the door. Then i turned to David as our lips met. Its really not what i expected but his lips were soft and gentle, a lot more gentle then i expected. I was the first to pull away and back into the door.

"Mr Ziggy Stardust how dare you kiss me" I joked

"What about the spiders from mars?" David asked as we leaned closer to each other and let our lips meet again

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