Chapter 14

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24th November 1991:

I had just finished showering Freddie and getting him changed into some clean clothes before getting him back into bed.

"I'm thankful for everything you've done for me over the past couple of years" Freddie said as I laid in bed with him

"You don't have to thank me. I love you Freddie and I would do anything for you" I said

Freddie managed to move his head to face me
I gently kissed his lips before resting my head on his chest. He held onto my hand, giving it a squeeze every few seconds. When he stopped squeezing I moved my head to his heart but couldn't find a pulse. I sat up in shock as he let out his last breath.

"Freddie, Freddie" I said frantically checking for any sign of a pulse

I tried cpr but nothing worked. Once tear fell down my cheek followed by another, the another until the tears didn't stop. I buried my head into his neck and cried harder then I thought was possible. Shakily, I moved my head to kiss his lips.

"Dafne, Jade" I shouted through the sobs

The two came running into the room, worried looks on their faces.

"Call the guys" I said

Jade left the room as Dafne came over.

"Mummy" Dafnes voice shook as she spoke

"Come here. It's okay to cry" I said

"I've prepared myself for this day" Dafne said walked over

She clambered onto her fathers dead body and I hugged her tight. Then Jade returned.

"Their on their way" Jade said before joining his sister

I heard footsteps running along the hallway to reach the room. Roger grabbed Dafne while Deaky grabbed Jade and Brian took me.

"Brian" I sobbed

"I know. Shhh. It's going to be okay" Brian said

After the body was taken away I told the guys to give me and the kids some time alone. We sat in the bedroom while the boys were downstairs. I had wrapped the kids in one of Freddie's dressing gowns while I pulled on his famous yellow jacket. I hugged the twins tighter then I ever have.

"Why did daddy have to go?" Dafne asked after a good few minutes

"It was his time. God thought he lived his life to the fullest. But clearly he hasn't" I said, muttering the last part to myself

"What's going to happen now?" Jade asked

"Carry on life. Just like daddy would want us to. Just because he's physically gone doesn't mean his spirit lives on" I replied looking into the eyes of my children

I kept my hand on Dafnes shoulder while I stroked Jades cheek, wiping away tears that were still there. There was a soft knock on the door before Brian's head came round.

"Are you ready for lunch?" He asked

The kids jumped up and ran over to Brian while I sat nodding. The three left me alone in the room. I pulled the jacket tighter round me in comfort as memories of Freddie flooded back.

Summer 1980:

I couldn't stop giggling as me and Freddie fought in the swimming pool in his back garden.

"Are you two ever going to stop?" John asked, not looking up from his newspaper

"I will if Fred will" I replied just before Freddie dunked me under the water again

Neither of us stopped the fighting and the smiles from our faces never went.

"Right I'm joining in" Roger said jumping into the pool

We brought him into the fight until the whole of Queen were joining in.


I looked at everything around the room before getting up and heading towards the door.

"I still love you Freddie" I said

I opened the door and walked out before heading downstairs. I sat at the table with my kids and their uncles before we started lunch. I never got into any of their conversations as the boys tired to cheer up the twins.

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