Chapter 11

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14th August 1986:

We had returned home from the hospital with two beautiful babies. Dafne and Jade. Freddie laid on the sofa with Jade on his stomach while I cradled Dafne. I had a glint of sadness in my eyes which Freddie picked up on.

"What's the matter honey?" Freddie asked

"I wish we could go back to life when we were together. Just us an no one else" I replied looking to him

"You will be fine" Freddie said stroking my leg with his foot

I forced a smile before giving him Dafne and racing upstairs. I sat on the bed and cried, all I could think about was mum and dad and how proud they would be.

10th December 1965:

"You ready?" Brian called

"Yeah" I replied leaving my room

We were heading to pick my parents up from the airport after their week holiday away. We got into Brian's car to go and pick them up. The car journey was silent, that was until we arrived at the airport.

"Stay close. It can be busy" Brian said

"I'm not a kid anymore Bri" I said glaring at him

We both clambered out of the car and walked off towards the building. We walked inside and over to the flight information board.

"It's cancelled" we both chorused looking at the flight details

"Due to crash" I finished carrying on reading the board

We both set off running for the flight information desk.

"Flight 124, what's the details on it?" Brian asked, out of breath

"Oh yes it crashed. We just got information through saying there wasn't any survivors" the woman replied

Both of our mouths dropped open as we stepped away. I then turned to Brian who had tears welling up in his eyes.

"Come here sis" Brian said pulling me close

I felt Brian nuzzle the side of my face as tears rolled down both of our cheeks. Brian rocked us back and forth as we clutched tightly onto each other.

"Excuse me" came a high pitched voice

We both parted and turned to him.

"By your reactions this is a stupid question but do you know anything about flight 124?" The guy, even though he looked like a woman, asked

He had shoulder length blonde hair, a pair of ocean blue eyes that stood out against his pale skin. That wasn't all though he was extremely hot and his smile lit up his whole entire face.

"I'm afraid we do. There was no survivors" Brian replied

The smile dropped from the guys face as he turned to look at the ground. I stepped forward and wrapped him in my arms.

"We lost our parents" Brian said rubbing the guys arm

"I lost my sister Claire Taylor" he said

"We know how you feel" I comforted

"Let's go get a coffee. Their must be one round here somewhere" Brian said beginning to look round

We ended up in a little Starbucks (sorry but I know it was invented in 1971). We sat down at a little table and order a coffee each.

"I must introduce us. I'm Brian May and this is my sister Hope" Brian said holding his hand out

"I'm Roger Taylor" he guy said shaking Brian's outstretched hand before shaking mine

"Nice to meet you" I said attempting to smile at him

After the coffees we both parted ways and headed home. As we got into the car both of us broke down into tears. We sat and hugged each other for a good few seconds until Brian was stable enough to drive. We spent the whole journey in silence, a new song idea kept going round my head. When we arrived home I locked my sled in my room and began to sketch down ideas for the song.

14th august 1986:

"Hope, you have kids to look after" Freddie called from downstairs

"Coming" I replied wiping away tears that were still there

I quickly looked at myself in the mirror before leaving the room. I walked downstairs and back into the living room where Freddie was playing with the twins. Freddie was busy with Dafne when I noticed Jade trying to reach for something off the floor. I jumped forward just before he tumbled head first off the sofa. I held him in my arms as he began to cry. Dafne then began to just at the sight of her brother.

"Nappy time" I said feeling something warm on Jades nappy

We both had a station, Freddie was taking the nappy off while I was putting them on. As we were halfway through it the guys walked in.

"Look at our Freddie Mercury. All grown up and a daddy now" Roger said

"Shut it Taylor" Freddie said looking up at him
"Is this a bad time?" John asked

"No, no. Not at all. It's never a bad time to meet your niece and nephew" I replied just as I finished Jades nappy

"Wait just one second. There's two" Roger said

"Yes twins" Freddie replied

"Jade and Dafne" I added

Their jaws dropped at the sight of the two. It was Brian who was the first one to speak.

"I'm so happy for you" Brian said

"Thank you" me and Freddie chorused

5 weeks later 3rd person:

Hope had gone off to work early and Freddie didn't know what to do with the kids.

"Do you two want to come to the studio with us?" Freddie asked

Both babies smiled up at their father before he picked them up. He strapped them into the backseat of the car before driving off to the studio where Queen were recording. When the car pulled up Freddie got the twins out of the car before walking towards the door. He walked over to the boys and it was John who first noticed the babies.

"It's my favourite children" Deaky said coming over to take Dafne from Freddie

She cooed out while going to grab Deakys index finger. Roger then took hold of Jade and began bouncing him up and down. He began to laugh causing Roger to do the same.

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