Chapter 10

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Summer 1975:

I had never left the bed for a whole day while Queen recorded. Halfway through one day I decided to rise from the bed and have a walk round. I took the duvet with me and held it round me to keep warm. I walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on. I sat down in the living room with a coffee as the boys entered. They were carrying beers and laughing.

"Rog that bit when you fell over" Freddie said

"That wasn't funny" Roger replied

I looked towards them as they shut the door.

"Hey darling" Freddie said slurring his words

"Hey" I replied before turning my gaze back to the fire place

The guys then sat down as I finished my coffee.

"Im going to get my coat and go for a walk" I said

"I'll come" Brian said standing up

"I want to be alone" I said before getting my coat and leaving

I walked outside and stopped by Rogers car. I then looked to see Paul walk out of the recording building. I glared at him as he walked over.

"What you looking at?" He spat

"Your ugly face" I replied

Paul then dived his hands for my neck. I tired to dive out of the way but Paul pushed me to the floor. Paul stepped on my foot so as I fell my ankle twisted until I felt something crack. I tried to push him over but he threw me into Rogers car, leaving a dent. Paul put his foot on my stomach to hold me against the car. I tried pushing him off me but I didn't have the strength to.

"SOMEONE HELP" I screamed giving up

I then looked to the house to see the boys emerge and come running. Freddie pulled Paul away while Roger and Brian helped me up. I couldn't put any weight on my ankle so held onto Roger for support.

"This time Prenter your going. If you like it or not" Freddie snarled

Freddie then punched Paul across the face as the two helped me inside. We kept hearing both Freddie and John shout at Paul from inside the house. They sat me down on the sofa before Brian went to look at my ankle.

"Ow" I screamed as he lightly touched it

Roger then put some ice on it to sooth the pain.

"I think it's broken" Brian said

It turned out it was, not badly though. I sat in Freddie's room with my leg rested on a pillow. All I could feel was anger as I grabbed a pillow and threw it at the wall.

"Arg, why does this always have to happen to me?" I said before gripping tightly onto the duvet until my knuckles went white

I rested my head up against the head rest as tears trickled down my cheeks.

"Dinners ready" came Brian's relaxing voice from the other side of the door

I didn't reply as the tears turned into sobs. I then heard the door open and then felt the bed dip down beside me.

"Come here sis" Brian said before pulling me close to him

I rested my head on his shoulder and began to draw random patterns in his chest with my finger.

"Paul's gone now darling. You don't have to worry. I'm here, Brian's here" Brian whispered

I then felt another pair of arms wrap around me from behind before Freddie's voice came.

"Brian you go and finish dinner"

I transitioned into Freddie's arms as the sobbing slowed down.

"Fred" I mumbled

"Don't talk. I'm here, I'm here. Shh" Freddie said

Once the crying stopped we fell into silence. Freddie then helped me up and downstairs for dinner. That night I fell into a bad nightmare. Queen hadn't completed their album by the dead line and blamed me for it.

"You held us up with your lies about Paul" Roger said

Tears streamed faster down my cheeks then a water fall.

"Why did you come along? It just took longer?" Freddie asked

"Your just a waste of space" John said

I then turned to Brian for some sort of hope.

"Brian please" I pleaded getting down on my knees

"Hope May, your a disgrace to the family. No wonder you were mum and dads least favourite" Brian said

"Guys please I'm sorry" I sobbed looking up to them

I then felt someone shake me. I sat up in bed and looked round.

"Hope darling" Freddie said

I slowed my breathing down before locking eye contact with him.

"What are you sorry about?" Freddie asked

"It was just a bad dream" I replied "You guys were blaming me for you lot not completing the album. You kept saying horrible things to me"

"We would never. I promise" Freddie said pulling me into a hug

He then pulled me away and held me at arms length.

"Is there not anything else bothering you?" Freddie asked

"My ankle. It won't stop hurting" I replied

"Does my angel need some painkillers?" Freddie said

I nodded in reply before Freddie pulled me out of bed.

"I know what will make you feel better"
Freddie said before helping me downstairs

He sat me on the sofa while walking off to get some tablets. I took two before Freddie joined me on the sofa. He pulled out my favourite film 'The Italian Job' to watch. I laid with my head in Freddie lap as he stroked my hair for the entire movie.

"Freddie what would happen if Queen ended?" I asked as the film ended

"We would still be friends that's one thing" Freddie replied

I smiled up at him just as footsteps sounded on the stairs.

"Can you two not sleep either?" Came the tired voice of Roger Taylor

We both looked to him.

"We've been up for two hours" Freddie replied
I sat up and gave him space to sit down.

"How's my angel?" Roger asked taking my hand in his

"Okay. My ankle hurts that's all" I replied looking at him

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