Chapter 3

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"He got off the plane" came Freddie's voice

I turned around and jumped off the sofa. I ran into his arms before he could put his bags down. Before I knew it Freddie's lips met mine. I didn't even notice Brian enter until he took the bags off Freddie. Freddie spun me round, our lips never parting. When we finally separated Brian had made some tea for us.

"Fred you came back" I cried

"I couldn't leave you" Freddie said "That Christmas when you came to my parents" I nodded "I did like you I just didn't think you did so kept it a secret"

"Freddie, you could have told me. I've loved you for years" i said hugging him

1973 Freddie's POV:

"Mum I think I like Hope" I said

"Ask her on a date" My mum replied

"But I don't know if she likes me" I said crossing my arms while leaning forward

She looked me deep in my eyes.

"Farrokh listen to me. Just try" my mum said

"But I don't want to risk our friendship. It's the one thing I don't want to loose. I don't want to loose her" I said

"I'll leave you to think" my mum said before kissing my forehead and leaving

I laid down on the spare bed and stared at the ceiling.

"Come on Mercury, think" I muttered to myself "Oh god"

I turned over and planted my face into the pillow.

1980 Hopes POV:

"Oh Fred. It wouldn't have ended our friendship if you asked me" I said

Freddie pulled me back into an embrace before Brian spoke up.

"So now your not moving to Munich are you still doing your solo album?"

"Yes" Freddie said holding me in a one arm embrace

"Oh. So Queens on a brake" Brian said

"We can still record while I'm recording my solo album" Freddie said

Brian pushed me to the side while hugging Freddie.

"Bro, this is my boyfriend. Stay away from him" I joked while giggling

"We have our lead singer back" Brian said


"I'm leaving smile" Tim bluntly stated

"Wa-what?" Brian and Roger chorused, mouths dropped open

"Yeah. I'm leaving" Tim said

I patted my brothers back in comfort.

"Shut your mouth" I whispered

He straitened himself up and closed his mouth.

"What's going on?" Freddie asked entering

"I'm leaving smile" Tim said

"Tim no. My collage buddy. My friend" Freddie said

Tim looked at us all before saying.

"I'll see you guys around"

And with that Tim left, never to be seen again. Freddie turned to us and stepped closer.

"I could be the lead singer" Freddie said

"Not with those teeth" Roger joked causing Freddie to almost hit him

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