chapter 16

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Silence spilled throughout the room. Izuku was busy trying to figure out if this was a dream. Part of him was horrified that he was going to be surrounded by people whose morals probably suck and where kacchan is. Another part of him was happy to be able to finally be able to maybe learn to control his quirk or at least build up resistance to the insanity bubbling up inside him.

It's not that he like going crazy, in fact, he hated it. insanity was not the only downside of his quirk, his quirk also affected every feeling he had and how he felt on different days. sometimes all he wanted to do was curl up and disappear, other days he wanted to die, some days he wanted to kill every hero who would rather make money than save people, or he wanted to just randomly stab people, though most days he felt indifferent to the world.

while Izuku was lost in thought, Nezu remained his smiling self. he was quite happy with the idea of the boy coming into the school. He had heard from his sources that this was the boy the villains were after so having him near was useful. he would be surrounded by people who would hopefully help protect him and help him learn to control his quirk.

To Nezu, Izuku was just a child who hadn't had anyone's support, he was also beginning to see the true effects of the quirk had on the boy, not only from use but also to his everyday life. The boy had mood swings, at times he looks fearful other times he looked lost in thought like right now. hopefully, he would find an accepting and safe environment waiting for him.

Meanwhile, the pros in the room were trying to process the events that just had taken place. It felt like just a few hours had been stretched into a few years. they all felt stress and worry. questions were running through their heads. would the students in class 1A except him? would he truly be seen as a hero? is he safe to be around?

The room was silent no one was speaking everyone was lost in their own heads. Vlad king was wondering how his class would react sure they were 1B but they had already heard the rumors, in fact, the whole school had heard them. every rumor was different but they all remained the same in one aspect. They all labeled Izuku as a villain. this sweet boy who didn't even know how to control his quirk was already being labeled as a villain.

Aizawa's thinking was on the same wavelength as Vlad. how would his class react? would he be safe? would his class be safe? can his quirk be controlled? he looked back at the kid. Izuku was now looking out the window. The sun making casting shadows over his face. he looked small and tired, so very very tired. A child should not look that tired, a child should not have to worry about if they're going to kill someone with their quirk. A child should have to think they're a villain. After all, there had been no causalities sure it could have been fleuk but still, he was just a child, who should be loved and cherished.

Aizawa looked at Mic, his friend, and closest companion, he too was looking at Izuku sympathy written all over his face. Aizawa sighed it was going to be a tough transition, villain attack would most defiantly increase due to the kid but it wasn't the kid's fault.

suddenly the door burst open. all might stood there in all his glory. he was in his hero suit and everything. his smile looked strained. "GREETINGS EVEYR ONE" his voice was loud and boisterous.

it seemed to have broken everyone out of their thoughts. Midnight and Mic looked a bit startled. Vlad turned and sighed Aizawa just rolled his eyes.

"Greetings All might how are you today" Nezu responded with his usual pleasant smile.


"ah so you were concerned that is very befitting for the number one hero," said Nezu. his smile still on his face. Aizawa proceeded to roll his eyes again. figures, all for the publicity.

" might I ask how you heard the child was awake," asked Nezu


not used to being questioned like that are you, figures, thought Aizawa. "well you were right he has awoken- is everything alright Midoriya" all the pro hero's were now facing the boy, who was glaring at all might. all might suppressed a shudder that boys gaze was filled with hatred. if looks could kill he would be six feet under. all might gave another strained smile.

" well - um what do you plan on doing with the boy" ask all might thankfully lowering his voice.

"well, I decided to invite him to come to school here because what is not a better place to teach someone how to use their quirk and keep them safe other than UA," Nezu said a teacup now in his hand.

all might opened and closed his mouth. "w-what"

Midnight snickered at his reaction. Izuku remained the same.

"that is ah horrible idea principle Nezu," said all might his voice still laced with shock.

"and why is that all might," asked Nezu taking a sip of his tea

"HES A DAM VILLIAN HE SHOULDNT BE LEFT UNATTENDED" All might seemed to have given up on trying to stay calm the kid in front of him was a no-good villain. he had the quirk and the mindset of one all might could still hear his laugher as people were being crushed. even his glare was villainous.

izuku bared his teeth at all might. he practically looked like a feral beast ready to pounce and kill its prey. the room began to darken, though the sun was out the only source of light were the green eyes that seemed to glow. they bore holes into all might. the room became suffocating. the shadows around them grew and that slowly began to climb. dancing around as though to tease. the sound of clicking filled the air witch soon turned into a sound like whispering, with seemed to grow more intense.

And suddenly it stopped. the room was filled with sunlight again, it was easier to breathe. Aizawa had activated his quirk his red eyes fixed on Izuku. Izuku remained in the same sitting potion eyes still fixed on all might teeth still bared.

" well it seems my patient is going to need some alone time I will see you all out," said, recovery girl.

all the pro hero's got up and slowly walked out of the nurse's office. still shaken by the event that had just taken place all watched at the door closed the green eyes never leaving all might's. 


so um hi. uh yah i guess I'm back? I don't really know.  finally got this chapter out so yay. I don't really have a updating schedule for obvious reasons 1 being i don't follow it and 2 if I do follow it the quality of chapters goes down. any ways I'm going to be busy for most of June but I'm going to be trying do draft the chapters after this one. 

but I'm back 

have a good summer 


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