chapter 3

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The test was a breeze. It was as though it was meant to be easy . The only hard part was explaining why he didn't want to be a hero for most of was couldn't but he didn't want to be a hero any way. He was finished first because he didn't have to go into detail about his quirk.

He walked up to the front of the room and handed in his paper and left. He checked his watch. It had taken him 1 hour to complete the test. He had time to spare.

He made his way to a park. It was close by the school. Actually it shared the  forests with the school.

He walked through the park to a large oak tree close to the forests Border. It was a tall, strong, hearty (what the f am I doing. I'm talking about a tree here not a person) nobody ever strayed near this part of the park. Mostly because this tree was like a stop sign to the people who wanted to explore the forest. So many rumors went around about the forest and how that there were monsters and villains in it, an if you set a foot in It you would be killed.

It was all bull though.Izuku had actually gone and explored 're forest when He was 11. He was being chased by bullies, cough cough bakugou cough cough. He wasent playing attention to were he was running he just knew he had to get away and bam he ended up in the forest. It was actually quiet beautiful. No person really set foot in there so it was all over grown. It reminded him of the wonder land forests actually.

Izuku remained lost in thought for another thirty seconds till a large sound was made behind him. He turned around and saw the one person he did not want to see.


He internally groaned. Why him. Why today. Why Why why.

Bakugou had his usual lackeys behind him.

Bakugou or kacchan beloved he was stronger than every one else. He beloved he was destined for greatness. He could be in us his opinion but. . . He was bakugou. Praised for Bullying some quirkless loser. His ego was so high it broke the ozone. Oh how Izuku would love to Tear him down from his high horse. Watch him suffer. Sadly he couldn't.

He stood by the tree and watched as the three assholes approached him. For a seconded he saw their  Decapitated heads laying on the ground blood pooling out of them. It was gone in a seconded. He stood there waiting for them to approach. Waiting for the inevitable beating.


He hobbled back to the orphanage. He wouldn't call it home. It was never his home.

He had bruise littering his body. He's blacked out in the middle of it all. The beatings were like his punishment for existing. ' look it's not like I asked to be made' he thought. He couldent feel sad though. He lost all feeling after his mother died. After she was gone he gave up on trying to feel anything.

He continued to stumble back to the orphanage. Unaware of the red eyes watching him from the roof tops

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