Chapter 11

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I am so sorry about the delay. I got this out as quickly as possible.and thank you for the support you all are amazing. I have a bit of an idea for the next few chapters. Anyways i hope you enjoy


Iuzku woke up sore and tired the next day. It was late when he finally had gotten cleaned up and it didn't help that the caretakers had forced him to clean the blood off the carpet in the hall.

Izuku stumbled out of bed, wincing at the pain in his arms, legs, and back. He limped out of his room to the bathroom. Wincing as his feet made contact with the ground.

He peeked around the bathroom, making sure no one was there. Once he was sure, he made his way to the back of the bathroom(the bathrooms are like school locker rooms but nicer and bigger) he opened the largest stall, entered, and locked the door.

There was a small mirror in the stall. He set up his clean clothes down and began to slowly take off his shirt, wincing at the soreness and paint in his arms. As he looked back in the mirror he saw all the bruises from the beating that had taken place.

A large bruise was on his chest. I was large and had most likely been made by one of the two larger kids. It was purple and turning green and blue at the edges. He winced when he touched it. There were also two bruises on his right arm, one on his shoulder and one just above the wrist. Both looked the same as the one located on his chest.

On his left there were three. Two on the top half of his arm and one just below the elbow. His back also had two large bruises on them. He also had an assortment of cuts and scrapes. And so he began the long process of bandaging up.


30 minutes later he was ready. He Hauled himself out of the bathroom. he looked at the clock on the wall. It read, 7:55! Shit, I'm going to be late. I could do it, no it would be too risky. But maybe I could try and aim for a bathroom stall. He took a deep breath. "Cheshire land me your power" he slowly felt a tingling sensation on his arm watch soon spread to the rest of his body.

The bathroom near classroom 1-C.

Soon he was just floating in darkness, then he felt his feet land on hard ground. He opened his eyes. There he stood in the bathroom. He was in an empty stall so he felt that luck was on his side.

Izuku exited the stall and left the bathroom. Students were hurrying to class all around him. He followed the herd. Making it to class on time.


izuku made his way to the back of the class. Students had just started to file in. He sat in the last row like he had done the previous days.

The class came quickly. Most whispering about what they had done the previous day or the homework. A kid with purple hair and dark bags under his eyes. He didn't smile but he seemed a lot happier that izuku was there. He was flashed a small smile from the boy which made his heart flutter.

He walked over to him.and sat down beside him. He couldn't help but admire the brilliant green eye on the boy's face.

The final bell rang and the teacher walked in.

"Today class I have a special announcement"

A roar of whispers and talk sprung up from the students. Izuku took an interest. It wasn't every day something interesting happened.

"Class 1-A is going to the USJ for training and we have been asked to send a few students along to be injured civilians the heroes in training have to save"

Izuku felt his interest vanish. If he went no doubt he would be left for dead. Most heroes in-training were cocky ass-wholes who only thought of the reward. scowling  izuku slumped back in his chair.

"The students who go will - " and izuku began to tune out the teacher. He didn't want to help so no good heroes students in their training. The whole talk about honor and justice was a load of bull. He had been bullied his entire life by one of them.

"You could always kill them~' he froze . there was the voice he looked out the window determined not to interact with her. His eyes widened when he saw the figure standing next to the window.

"You know you've thought about it. You could end hero society and turn this world int the one you want"

he ignored her. It was hard to think, but part of him wanted to do what she said. "- and midoriya and shinso" izuku looked up at the teacher.

"You four will be going to the USJ.

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