chapter 10

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Ok so beforewe start i just wnat yo say the vote is done. I will annocuce what ship wonat the end of the story.

i know i dont update much. Mostly because school is a pain.

I try to get chapter's out as frequently as i can.

If i could i would write during class but since my mom is home i cant.

Alright on with the story.

No ones pov.

Izuku made his way out of UA at the end of the day still shaken from earlier events.

He was both scarred and curious.

Scared that the man saw him and or that he took something of high importance and or was a villian.

Curious because he wanted to know why the man had gone to such great lengths to get in to the school.

He only relized he had walked all the way to the ophanege, when he ran into  the front door.

He shrugged his shoulders.

He then felt somthing move next to him.

A small white rabbit was looking up at him shaking his head. He rolled his eyes. When ever izuku lost focuses or got distracted the white rabit was there to show his disapproval especially when he was late.

He ignored the rabbit and opened the door.

He saw thre people waiting for him.

He sighed.

A lanky teenager with long brown hair that looked as though it could use a wash was standing infront of him.

On his right was a larger kid who pack more mussel than the one in the middle. He had short black hair he also had a scar under his eye. He says he got it in afight but he really got it from stabbing himslef with a fork

The one   left had light brown hair with a white eye. No one knew how he got it. Some say he was born with it while others say he got it in a fight. No knows.

They all looked down at izuku snearing .

"Look who showed up, the quirkless loser.thats who" said the one in the middle. His two lackys laughed.

Izuku grimiced. He hated it when they laughed it always sounded like nails on a chalk board.

" oh his the little deku scared. Well he should be. A usless deku like you should have never got into a school lile UA. You dont even have a quirk your just a useless deku"

The lackys laughed again.

Tears weld up in his eyes.

He tuned to face the bullys.

"Sh- ut u-up" he stutterd out. The three infront of him stoped laughing.

"What did you say you usless deku" sa8d the one in the middle.

"I - i sa-aid sh- sh- SHUT UP" izuku screamed.

The bullys step back in shock. Until theys started to laugh again. Tears rolled down izkus face.

The bullys stoped laughing they began to glare and snear at the small boy before them. .

"Did you hear that boys. He told us to shut up and what happens to useless kids who think their big and tough well they get beat"

And so began the beating.

After a while the bullys got tired of beating izuku.

Izuku had blood running down his head. Brusises litterd his arms and legs. Cuts and scraps to.

He slowly stood up. Wincing in apin as he did so. He slowly hobbled up the steps.

He wasn't worried about any one seeing him, it was late judging by the lighting in the main room. And most of the kids were either in their rooms or eating. Besides who would care about the useless kid any way.  He thought bitterly.

He kicked the wall. He rrlized he was right nextto a painting. He staried at it. It looked familiar.

It was a picture of a woman. She had long blond hair and wore an elagant purole dress. She also had a pair of cold blue eyes.

Next to her was a small girl. She had blonde hair like the person next to her. Must be her mother, he thought. She wore a loght blue dress with a white cloth. She also had a blue bow in he hair. What stood put to him was her eyes. They were softer than her mothers. Familiar in a way.

Who is she. He thought.

All of a sudden a loud bell went off making izuku jump. He lookes at the clock. Its 7. I have to get to my room. He thought.

He quickly made his way up to his room. As quickly as he could any way.   He was carful to make sure none of his blood got om the carpet. The care takers would not be happy aboit that and he did not need them to cause him any more trouble.

As he ran he never noticed the eyes following him. A pair of blue eyes. Once Soft and sweet now crazy and cold.

He was almost ready. Almost. She smiled. It was not sweet or soft but crule.

Soon she would break him just like they did.


Ok so the winner is


Though since there were a decent amount of shigadeku i will  also include a bit of that.

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