chapter 7 Mirha

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Mirha's pov:

I spent the day with dado, thankfully, Mr Sadist didn't join us for lunch. He returned home around 4pm. I went to my room then to rest a bit.

In the evening, Hira came to my room " let me show you the whole house" she said with a smile. Her smile seemed a bit... off, a bit restrained. I stood up " Is everything okay ?" I asked her taking my dupatta. 

"yes, you have been here for sometime now and you still haven't seen the house. Thats why. I decided to show it to you." she said , but her smile wasn't any better now. 

" Okay..... " I shrugged and went with her. She started from the ground floor, she showed me the servant quarter, pool , pool house, garden, and then continued with the inside of the house. She showed me first floor , 2nd and then took me to the 3rd.It was quiet as only Saad lived on the floor and he wasn't there at the moment. 

" lets go downstairs. " I said when she told me that this whole floor was his. '

"He isn't here. Its the best time to see it, he hardly allows us to come here to clean. " She said as she showed me the office cum library and then asked me to follow her to the end of the corridor , skipping lots of rooms. She was looking increasingly nervous, making me feel unsafe too. 

"Check this" She entered the room, " back garden looks beautiful from here." She said as she moved towards the window, I followed her. It was getting dark outside and the view was indeed beautiful. 

" switch the lights on, Its getting dark." I told her. she gave me that strained smile again and went towards the board.I looked outside again.

"Its not working. Let me check" I heard Hira say and exit the room, the door closed behind her making me nervous. I quickly moved towards the door. 

" Hira!" I called turning the handle. The door didn't open... I tried again , but it didn't budge. This time, I called her more loudly but still no reply.

" Hira!!!" I kept calling her, but got no reply. It was turning dark and to my bad luck, there was no moonlight tonight.I reached the board, trying to control the panic. 

" Its okay... its okay... " I kept chanting to myself as I pushed the buttons, they really weren't working. I moved towards the window slowly as there was hardly any light left. There was no one in that area, only the roses looking darker and darker at that moment. 

No one had switched the lights on of back side also. This made me halt...." is it his doing?" "It must be..." I thought and went towards the door. It was completely dark now and hard for me to move.

I again shouted Hira's name but then sat down against the wall beside the door, when no one answered. I realized it was stupid to keep shouting when they were on the ground floor. They must not be able to hear me.

" Its okay.... Mr Ibraahim... Dado will ask about me at dinner. I just have to wait for a while" I closed my eyes ,fisting my hands as I tried to calm myself. "its okay... its okay... "I kept chanting to myself as time passed. I didn't know how much time passed... seconds.... minutes or hours. I just knew that I was losing my calm, my patient with each passing second.....


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