Chapter 26: Saad

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Saad's pov:

"If she marries, they won't be getting the property by killing her. They won't try anything like that again" Dad said with hope in his eyes, I could see how his brain was working. 

"Saad, marry her. Its the only possible solution I can think of. Your life won't change in anyway. It could just be on paper, and after some years, when you or she finds someone, we can end it.... "Dad was trying his best to convince. 

"Ibraahim!!!!!" I heard Dado's scolding voice at the mentioning of divorce. I raised an eyebrow looking towards dad. I didn't think much before making the decision.

"I want to talk to her. "I turned towards Mirha. She was looking at us with wide eyes, tears shining in them. I could see her hands shaking, it was clear that she wanted to deny.

"Saad... "Dad's voice was reluctant. I turned towards him" If this marriage is going to take place, everything will happen according to my wishes. Its accepting my wishes or no marriage at all" I was very clear about it, I didn't want anyone's interference between her and me, not even Dad's or dado's. 

Dad sighed and dado also stayed quiet. "Come with me" I told Mirha, my voice was stern, She got up quickly, maybe getting scared. I took her to her room, as soon as the room door closed, she let the tears fall. 

"I-I.... " She wasn't able to conjure up her thoughts or maybe words. 

"Its either marrying me or getting killed. And just to make it clear, it would be a real marriage. I don't plan on doing charity" I said looking straight in her eyes. Her reluctance for marriage was pinching me, making me harsher than I wanted to be. 

She looked at me with pursed lips, taking a step back, tears still falling from her eyes. 

"Y-you know, I am not suitable for marriage. You know... how am I. Why are you doing it?" She got out in between hiccups. 

"You don't need to worry about all that." 

"I- I will die.... " She looked down digging her nails in her arms. I moved near her in less than a second. 

"Mirha!... Loosen your hands" I told her, but she kept her eyes down, still abusing her arms. 

"Mirha! don't make me do it" I warned her, and she looked at me with the fear which made her think of death, instead of something by marrying me.... 

"I won't hurt you, not now... not after marriage" I said with all the calm and assurance I could muster up at that moment. She let her hands fall on her sides, looking at me with something like... fascination. 

"I am giving you my words, I won't touch you without your consent." I assured her and she nodded wiping her cheeks. Thankfully, she hadn't hurt herself deep enough to bleed yet. 

Mirha's pov

"Now, I am going to go downstairs and talk to dad, the nikkah should be done as soon as possible. You will wash your face and relax, Don't worry about anything okay ?" He headed downstairs after making sure that I was fine. 

I went to the restroom to freshen up, when I returned to the room and sat on the bed, new thoughts started hitting my head. I said yes, but how was I going to handle all this. I never planned to get married and now this....

"He wants a real marriage......" this thought was dreadful in itself. I knew about my incapability to be a good wife, whether it was emotionally or physically or any other way. Tears started falling thinking about the disappointment I was going to be for him and for myself.....

I could still deny, but was disappointment going to be worse than death? Didn't matter how much I hated my life, but ending it wasn't something I wanted to do. I wasn't a loser like that. I had always tried to do the best I could, and even now... I was going to do my best, even if it wasn't going to be enough, I thought to myself.

Suno... Ye tap tap girtin paani ki boonden khamosh raaton me uski sargoshian uthti girti palkon ki ridhm e haya
Suno.... Ye muskurahton me chupy raaaz e muhbat
Suno...mene tumhari hr nazr, hr ada ko yaad kia he....

SALAAM READERS!heres the update❤️

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