Chapter 34: Saad

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Saad's pov:

I couldn't stand there for another second, I left the cottage, let alone the room. I wanted sometime to myself, to clear my thoughts. I went down the hill, there was still an hour or so before the night falling.

I didn't stop until I was at a good distance from the cottage, from her. Questioning why it happened was a lost case now, I needed to think about what I had to do next. I thought of my options, leaving her wasn't one anymore even after she healed, which was the plan before. Showing her my feelings wasn't going to help our situation. She still got vary of me sometime. I raised my both hands up in a frustrated manner, there wasn't a lot of times I couldn't find the solution I wanted for the problem.....


Mirha's Pov: 

I woke up with the sound of my cell phone ringing. I got up rubbing my eyes and picked up my cell. It was Rabia bi calling. A smile appeared on my face "Assalamu Alaikum!" I picked the call. 

"Wa laikum Aslam! how are you?" She asked me with love, she was one of the few people who knew my whole past, who understood me to a point.

"I am fine, How are you?"I asked her.

We talked for sometime, she was asking about my studies, about everyone in Ibraahim house. I fell silent after she was done with her questions. I could feel that she wanted to ask something else.

"Mirha...." She called but then fell silent again. 

"Mirha, Is everything going fine between you and Saad?" she finally asked me the question she had called me for. Before I could reply, she continued.

"I know your condition..... But you can't continue to live like this. I hope that you have been trying to change, to allow him what a husband deserves" I couldn't say anything and she took my silence as a proof that her worry was right. 

"Mirha! Don't do this to yourself and him. There would be no one with you at the end, if you continue like this. "I cut the call not able to hear her anymore. My eyes watered, she was telling me to change my behavior, as if I was doing it all by myself. As if I wanted to be like this. Even after knowing the reason of my fear, she was being heartless to me. I sat on the bed as tears kept falling, I was hurt by her words , even though, somewhere I knew that it was just her worrying about me. 

The door opened and I quickly wiped my eyes, keeping my head down. "You are awake, Dinner would be ready in a bit"He informed as he took his clothes. He hadn't focused on me, otherwise he would had seen my tears right away. 

I was thankful when he headed towards the bathroom. I heard the shower running, as I tried to stop my tears from falling and appear as normal as possible. 

Saad's pov:

I hadn't looked at her when I entered the room, not wanting this obsession to take over me, when there was nothing I could do about it at the moment. I took a long shower and headed out in a steel gray trousers and black sweatshirt. Mirha was standing near the window, looking outside. I combed my hair, a frown appeared on my forehead as I watch her move towards the restroom keeping her head down. 

"What happened?" I asked moving towards her with a frown. She stopped but didn't turn towards me, I had to move and stand in front of her. 

"Look at me, Mirha" I said and felt my heart constricting, her eyes were red and a bit swollen. The slight tremble in her lower lip told me that she had been crying. 

"What happened?" I asked moving closer to her, I wanted to touch her in that moment more than anything, wanted to comfort her. 

She shook her head but a tear ran down her cheek. "Sweetheart, what happened?" I asked the softest tone I could muster. 

"I- I don't want to be like this.... I- I want to be- normal. But I can't do anything about it. I really don't want to be like this" She barely said through the tears as she wrapped her arms around herself. My heart clenched seeing her stand like that. It was clear that someone had something to her, she couldn't be thinking all this out of nowhere. 

"Mirha! Listen to me"I waited till her eyes were on mine. 

" There is nothing wrong with you. Nothing!!" I said touching a strand of her hair which was resting on her cheek. 

"B-But...." She still wept.

"You not being able to handle intimacy, we can work on it. We can change it, but it doesn't make you any less loveable or anything" The comforting words felt foreign on my lips yet so right.

"I don't think, I will ever be normal..... "She wiped her cheeks, but new tears wet them again.

"Yes, you can be! You let me hold your hands, you hugged me. There is nothing wrong with your body or mind, fear to touch had just become an instinct for you. We can change it slowly, with time and patience" I opened my hand in front of her, wanting to comfort. She placed a hand in mine, still crying. 

"Mirha! trust me. You will be able to let others touch you in time." I said in a comforting tone. If she didn't believe that she could heal, it was going to be a longer and a harder process. I wanted her with me in this. I wanted her to try her best. She gave me a teary smile, nodding her head.

"Now, go and wash your face. Lets eat dinner and then we can talk some more" I tugged her strand of hair lightly, teasing her, trying to take her mind off all the things she had been thinking. 

She nodded and then headed towards the washroom. I saw her phone on the bed, I checked the call log. I was right, she had talked to the lady who took care of her at her grandfather's place. It must had been something, she said to Mirha, my brows knitted unconsciously. This lady had no right to make her feel like this!..........


Munaafiq chehre, jhooti baten, azaab log....
Or phir Hm adam bezaaar hoty ja rhy hen........

Salaam readers! Heres the update❤️

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