Chapter 31:Mirha

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Mirha's pov:

I finally took a relaxing breathe as we headed inside, It was colder here due to strong wind and I was still in my kurta capri. I looked around, the cottage was beautiful with all the wood work. It was cozy looking with the inviting sofas and soft rugs. 

"Food is ready" khanum( khan baba's ) wife informed as she turned toward the other side of the cottage. Saad took me to the left side and placed our bags in the room.

"Freshen up if you want. We will eat dinner then" He told me and took his phone out. He was definitely calling home to inform about our save arrival. 

I placed my phone on the small table and sat near my bag and took out a comfy warm purple hoodie with pants. Even though, the house wasn't cold like the surroundings, but I still chose to change, knowing how easily I would get cold. My hands were already cold.

I came back in about 15 minutes and found Saad already changed into a sweatshirt and pants, looking at his phone. 

He locked his phone, putting it in his pocket and turned towards me. " lets go" He said and I barely stifled a yawn. I was feeling sleepy after this hectic day and travelling. Khanum got the food on table seeing us settle on the 4 person table in one corner of the living area.

"I have prepared biryani, as I didn't know what you would want to eat" Khanum gave an embarrassed smile, making me feel warm towards her. 

"Its perfectly fine" I gave her my best smile.

"Enjoy eating" She excused herself, as Saad started serving himself. We ate in silence. My eyes kept drifting towards him, but his whole focus was on his plate. Once we were done, I headed back to the room, I took my brush and went to the bathroom ready to brush my teeth and go to sleep.

When I came out, I saw Saad sitting on one of the two single sofas in the room, his fore arms were on his knees, as if deep in thoughts. He looked up as soon as I entered and then just I realized that there wasn't any long sofa in the room. 

I moved towards the comfy looking bed with blue blanket on it. "where will you sleep?" I asked him looking at his shirt instead of his face.

"In this room" he raised an eyebrow as if asking if there was another option.

I looked nervously, he couldn't be indicating about sleeping on the bed. !!!

"Don't worry, I won't be sleeping on the bed. Let me worry about what I am going to do "He said with a slight smile on his face. Was he trying to relax me with his smile?! A frowned appeared on my forehead as I got on the bed and pulled the cover over me. I was already sleep, It didn't take long to fall sleep. I was out before 8 pm.


I woke up feeling thirsty. I rubbed my eyes , the room was dimly lit. Main lights were off. My eyes went towards the sofa involuntarily. He was sitting on one sofa with his ankles resting on the other. His phone was in his hand, and from the white light I could tell that he was reading an e book. A water bottle was placed on the table near him.

I pulled my hair back and got up from the bed, getting his attention. "Is everything okay?! "He asked putting his feet down. I could see the frown on his forehead.

"Yes, just thirsty" My voice was barely more than a whisper. I went towards the table tentatively and filled a glass of water, feeling his eyes on me the whole time feeling nervous. 

After drinking water, I turned to go to bed, but then stopped feeling something tug in me. I turned towards him.

"Aren't you going to sleep? Which time is it?" I asked feeling guilty. Was he still awake because of not having proper space to sleep in. He could have to the other room..... 

"Its 1:28 am. And I don't sleep this early. " He told me indicating towards me to sit on the sofa with his hand. 

"But you are always up on time and you don't even sleep after university, not that I know of" I frowned taking the seat getting curious. 

"Yes and Yes, I don't. I only need 3 to 4 hours of sleep. I usually sleep around 2 3 am and wake up around 6"He explained patiently. My frown deepened, I couldn't work properly without 8 hours of sleep at least. 

"Have you always been like this?"I asked curiously. 

"As a child, I slept a bit more" He said turning towards me, I looked down before he could dug his eyes in mine. Why did he do, and how did he do that? Thoughts running through my head as I sat there. I wanted to ask him a lot of questions, and he also looked approachable at the moment, but I was scared..... scared of finding the answers, of what I would feel after that. 

"Mirha" his voice made me look up, making our eyes meet.

"Ask" He whispered, making my heart clench. 

"You hated me so much, you didn't want me in your house. Then why you hit him? Why you don't hurt me anymore? why you want me to trust you? Why you married me?" I asked all the questions I wanted in a trance.

" Why do you think, butterfly?" He asked and I looked down fisting my hands on my sides. My heart was constricting, at that moment, I realized that it was my own self I feared more than anything at that moment...............


People say, you see what you are, whether it be good or bad. But is it true? Does a black canvas look like a white to you, just because your soul is clean. No, its just a quote by a person who didn't want fingers to be pointed on him. The only thing a good soul can do is see black as grey, give it the benefit of doubt, just not judge people, but it won't change the reality........

Salaam readers! Heres the update❤️

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