Chapter 49: Mirha

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Mirha's pov:

On Breakfast table, Daneen was already dressed to leave for her brother's place. She was dressed like yesterday; Elegant yet stylish. 

"What are your plans for today?" dado asked me with a smile. 

"Nothing much dado, I am going to work on a painting, I have left mid way, and then we will go for shopping for the trip" I said looking at Saad for confirmation at the end.

He just nodded, putting a piece of omlet in his mouth. 

"Who else is going on the trip along with Arsh and Affan ?" Dado asked Saad.

"Three more class fellows, dado" he informed. 

"Daneen, why don't you also go?It would be fun."Dado said making me go still for a second.

"Nano, I don't know anyone, it would be weird" She said with a small smile. 

"Rubbish. You already know Arsh and Affan. You will get to know other 3 too on the first day itself. It won't be awkward at all." dado said dismissing her excuse. 

She looked at Saad and then at me, as if wanting to make sure that we were okay with it. I barely stretched my lips in the form of a smile, and she turned back to dado, agreeing. I wanted to bang my head against the table at that moment.

I couldn't eat much after that. I returned upstairs to paint, I cleared my head and got lost in it, not wanting to think about anything. 

I took a break, when Saad entered the painting room,"No plans of eating lunch?"He asked standing against the wall leisurely, I turned towards him placing the palette and the brush on table. I looked back on the painting, It was of a stormy night in the city. It was finally complete, only a few end touches were left. 

"Lets go" I said stretching, and then headed towards the washroom to clean the brushes and my hands before going.

Saad was still standing there, waiting for me, when I returned. 

"Come here" He told me, making me look at him questioningly. His pose didn't show that he had the plan of moving from there any time soon. 

I moved closer to him. "Enjoyed ?" He asking indicating towards the painting, as he tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

I nodded, barely able to keep my eyes open as he massaged my ear lobe. I instinctively leaned closer to him, leaving only a couple of inches between us. 

"Good, take rest after lunch, We will leave around 4 pm,okay?"He told me, resting his both forearms on my shoulders. 

I nodded slowly, even though, I wasn't feeling excited at that moment. 

"Let's go" Saad said, pulling me to the corridor with an arm wrapped around my shoulders. 

After lunch, I spent sometime with dado and then went to the bedroom.

When I woke up from the nap, my mood was a lot better. I planned to enjoy the outing. 

Saad was standing in the room all ready to head out at sharp 5. He chose the thickest coats along with sweaters and all the things I needed for the trip according to him, even though I was a bit apprehensive. It couldn't possibly be that cold there, It was as if he planned to make a santa claus out of my with the layer of clothes. 

I tried to stop him a few times too, but he didn't listen. It was past 8 by the time, we got done with the shopping. Saad didn't just buy anything for me, he was actually very attentive and took things which I would like wearing. 

We ate dinner at a restaurant. I watched sad as he paid the bill, leaving a good tip too. But there wasn't any smile or soft emotion on his face, talking to the waiter. In the time, I had spent with him, some things about him had became clear to me. He wasn't really a sympathetic person towards everyone, in fact he was rather cold and clinical. He didn't enjoy making friendly talks with people or to be in crowd for long. He enjoyed his solitude and his books. 

Another thing was his intelligence, he was smart, smarter than a lot of new professors in the university, and that was the reason of his popularity, along with his looks. But.... he was a completely different person with me, he was sympathetic, even caring to a great level, he initiated talks and always paid attention too. 

I didn't know the reason behind it, and I avoided thinking about it too. There were fears in my heart, fears, I wasn't ready to face yet.


Kchi neendo k khwaab jesa tha wo

Dil k boht kreeb pohnch se boht door .....

Salaam readers! Heres the update❤️

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