Chapter 39:Mirha

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Mirha's pov:

The afternoon was spent like usual. Saad went to his study after eating lunch, he had some things, he needed to search on.

He came out only before dinner, he quickly freshened up and we headed downstairs for dinner. "Was this his schedule? No break, just continues work? He hadn't taken a relaxing breathe since morning and there wasn't a single line of exhaustiveness on his face. There was no doubt that he go headaches so often. 

After dinner, I followed him to the bedroom. I wanted to know about where had he placed my art supplies. I stopped near the door" where are my art supplies?" I asked him, but his raised eyebrow suggested as if he couldn't understand the need of this question at that moment. 

"Its in one of the rooms. But what are you planning to do right now? Its my 2 hours "he remembered her keeping his expressions stern.

"B-ut.... that was before marriage" I mumbled, not understanding what he was up to now. 

"So? I haven't demanded my time in the past days, because you spent more than 2 hours with me solely everyday. But today wasn't like that. Now come here and sit down. We are going to watch a movie tonight" he held my hand and led me to the sofa. Tonight was another sci-fi movie night. A smile grazed my lips as he played it and dimmed the lights.

Tonight, he didn't sit on the opposite end of the sofa as he usually did, he sat in the mid, leaving only a small amount of space between us.

My heart skipped a beat, but I stayed sit, telling myself that it was okay.

Through half of the movie, he suddenly held my hand which was placed on the sofa and started tracing the palm with his fingers. My first instinct was to pull my hand away not remembering that it was him touching me, but stopped myself.

"Butterfly...." he called me making my head turn towards him, his eyes were now on me "don't think about what could happen with my touch, think about what you feel when I touch you" he said in a soothing voice making me frown, how was I supposed to do that, with the fear so fresh in my mind. 

"Close your eyes and tell me what you feel right now" he said engulfing the back of my hand in his, while tracing the other hand's finger on my palm. I closed my eyes slowly, I could feel my heartbeat spiking, knowing that how much trust it took me to close my eyes, when my hand was still in his. Trusting him to not hurt me.

"Don't focus on any other thought. Tell me, what do you feel, where I am touching you" his voice was soothing as he commanded me. Navigating through my brain was easier with his calming voice guiding me.

I did what he wanted and solely focused on the place he was touching me. "Its warm..... soothing warm... the slight finger nail when it touches, its a bit ticklish, but not in a bad way, just teasing. I like the warmth" a soft sigh left my mouth before I could stop it. I opened my eyes quickly, as my own words registered in. My cheeks were turning hotter with each passing second. 

"Come here " Saad said with a smile grazing his lips, where did he wanted me to come? I was already only at a distance of one hand.

He pulled me at his side holding my hand "Allow me to touch you, If it gets too much, just tell me to stop" he whispered near my ear, making my stomach clench with something more than fear.

I closed my eyes, trying to understand if I should or not. "It's not going to work, without me touching you Mirha" He continued, making me give a silent nod"Okay..." 

The movie was long forgotten as he turned me towards him completely. "I want you to think about what you feel at the moment. "He said and I gave my silent agreement.

I closed my eyes as I felt him touch my hair, tucking my hair behind the ear, his touch was feather soft yet so soothing.
"It's calming me, making me want more." I mumbled inching closer involuntarily. This amount of calm was making me sleepy.
"Do you feel bad as I touch you? Even a slightest bit? "He asked me, I stopped and focused on my every feeling, but repulsion or any negative emotion wasn't there.I shook my head in denial.
"Butterfly, remember this, I won't ever hurt you physically. Doesn't matter what happens. I am giving you my words."

Saad's pov:
I was giving her what she needed. The trust she had lost as a child, the protective shelter a child has. Even if it meant depending her on me. I wanted her to feel the happiness, the carefree moments where she didn't fear anything. The moments which were possible in her life without someone to guard her.

"I am feeling sleepy"she mumbled opening her eyes, but the slight hope of happiness in her eyes was clear. I gave her a small smile and moved back. This was enough for tonight.

"I am going to get ready for bed"she stifled her yawn as she got up.

Salaam readers! Heres the update❤️❤️❤️❤️

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