Chapter 35:Mirha

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Mirha's pov:

Through the whole dinner, I kept thinking about our conversation. He was going to help me.... But was I ready for it? The way he had treated me in the beginning, could I trust him? A part of me was questioning.

"But he had stopped a long time ago. He had been protecting me for a longer time now." another side of me argued. The side which wished for his gestures to be true, the side which was allowing him in, the one which let him hold my hand.

And it wasn't like I had this bond or trust level with someone else. In his own twisted way, he had made me trust him unconsciously. Somewhere deep down, I knew he won't hurt me physically.

"But, your heart is another case" the other side whispered, but I ignored it, not wanting to doubt my decision. 

After dinner, we sat in the living room for a while. Saad wanted to watch a movie with me. I could see that he wanted me to relax and along the way I did. By the time, movie ended I was sleepy. I hadn't got much sleep in the evening. 

"Go and sleep, we can start from tomorrow" Saad said and I quickly nodded. It was for the best.

Even with all the thoughts, it didn't take me long to fall asleep.

Saad's pov:

Next morning, I was eager to start working on her. I took her out for Breakfast, it was Sunday, and I planned to head back in evening. I showed her the places near the cottage, the whole time we were out, I held her hand. It seemed to be easier for her today. She relaxed in my hold just after a few seconds of initial stiffening. 

I had been studying about her condition, I knew that there was not a single way to treat her. I needed to know the reason behind her fear to cure it. To find the best way to heal her.

I felt that Mirha was looking at the man  selling flower crowns on the roadside, her curiosity was clear, but she hadn't uttered a word to me.

I took her towards the man, " Which one?"I asked looking in her eyes and saw her cheeks go red. Her reaction was peaking my curiosity, to know how much and in how many ways I could make her blush.

"White one" She whispered softly and looked down. She seemed embarrassed, but it gave me hope. Her walls weren't impenetrable right now. She still had some cracks, some softness leading to her heart.

I paid the man and placed the crown on her head. "I am only touching your hair" I whispered to her before loosening the hair from her clip a  bit, so that it would look better with the crown. There were a few split ends on the longer strands at the back, I let it go as I heard her mumble a thank you.
"Butterfly! I need you to tell me when you want something" I whispered.Her cheeks were brighter pink by now. 

After returning to the cottage, we packed our things and headed back. Dado was waiting for us eagerly, We found her and dad sitting in the garden area as we reached home. 

We greeted them, Dado was asking if we enjoyed our trip. Mirha answered most of the questions. 

"He didn't cause you any trouble right? "Dad asked Mirha making my blood boil. I barely contained my anger by fisting my hands. 

Mirha faltered, she must had seen the coldness in my eyes. "I have somethings to do, I will be back by dinner." I said and headed towards my car. It was true that I needed to get some paper work from Affan, but I didn't need to go now. It was just a reason I used to go away.

"You have just returned and now heading out again"I heard Dado's disappointment, but didn't turn around. I sat in my car and headed out.

Mirha's pov:

I wasn't sure if I saw right. His eyes had gone chilly cold in seconds, but he was perfectly calm when we reached here. I kept thinking if I saw right or was it just my mind playing a game on me on my way to my room. 

I spent my time setting my things for university for tomorrow. As said, Saad was back before dinner. He looked normal and it made me relaxed too.

He freshened up and we went downstairs. The dinner was eaten in a happy environment. Saad headed towards his office on his floor as I got ready for bed. I was looking outside reliving the time we spent in Murree, those days were definitely something which I could include in the happy days of my life.

I was deep in my thoughts, when someone's presence behind me made me turn towards the person with panic rising in my eyes. Saad was standing way too close, I could feel his body heat, his scent surrounding me.

"S-Saad" I uttered trying to make myself relax, it was just him, he wasn't going to hurt me. I kept repeating this to myself and it worked to some point.
But when his hand touched mine, I pulled away before my mind could even process it. It was on instinct, Saad took a step back making me take deep relaxing breathes.
He was looking at me with calm expression.

"Mirha! It isn't going to work like this. I can't help you, if you keep retreating into yourself. I need to know the reason behind your fear to help you" my heart constricted on his words. I fisted my hands, trying to control the overwhelming dread and sadness filling my heart.

Salaam readers! Heres the update❤️


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