chapter 12:Mirha

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Mirha's pov:

I let out a deep breathe when he went out of my room. I headed back to the room and sat on the bed. I was feeling weak. Hira placed the mug on the side table as she gave me a soft smile. 

I returned her smile, I understood that she was forced to do it, but I had also learnt to not anyone here. I didn't mean much to anyone here, so I needed to watch my back myself. I spent some hours with a pencil and my small sketch book in my hand. 

My mood was lifted up when I got the message of acceptance in Mr Sadist's university. I felt proud of myself, I proved him wrong, I wasn't a looser....

At dinner, I went downstairs after freshening up, Dado was relieved to see me better. Mr Ibraahim also asked about my health as I took the seat. During dinner, I finally uttered what I had come down for. 

" I got the message of acceptance from Ifd "I said and then looked up for everyone's reaction. Mr Ibraahim gave me a huge smile, Mr rude had a passive face on, Dado gave me her blessings. 

"I will have my PA take care of the paper work" Mr Ibraahim said. After dinner, I went to my room and fell asleep soon. 

Next morning, I gave Mr Ibraahim my card before he left. I didn't want him to pay for my fees. I had enough money, and he was already doing a lot by letting me stay at his place. 

He wasn't willing to accept my card in the beginning, but then he had to cave seeing my stubbornness. I was feeling different emotions about my admission, I was finally going to do what I liked. I was going to learn about art, but..... I was also nervous. I knew how crowdy institutes could get, and crowdy meant unwanted touches , bumping into each other. In school, it got easier, as after 2 3 panic attacks, people started thinking of me as a freak. They kept their distance. I wasn't sure if I wanted to be a freak here also... but then it wasn't something I could help... 

I took a deep breathe and stopped thinking about all these things which I couldn't do much about. I spend the day with dado, Mr Sadist was finally leaving me alone. I didn't see him after he returned home from university also. 

Laiba ( the other maid) informed dado that he had called for some sandwiches in his room. He was busy with his books.

"Sometimes, I just wish he was like other guys his age." Dado sighed, but she was relaxed after hearing that he had called for sandwiches at least. 

" You know, he was always a quiet child, but after his mother's death, things just got worse.I don't know if his intelligence, his abilities are a blessing or curse. I am even losing the hope of seeing him live his life normally."Dado seemed worried about him.I didn't make any comment, Dado didn't know that he wasn't just quiet, he was a sadist, rude and arrogant man.

In the evening, Mr Ibraahim told me that everything was done, I was all ready to take my classes from Monday. There were 3 days left for me to take preparations. During dinner, I felt Mr rude's eyes on me. It was like he was studying me, instead of eating his food. It was making difficult for me to eat myself. I soon excused myself and headed to my room.

There were a few missed calls on my phone from Ayesha bi.I called her"Assalamualaikum! I didn't check the phone" I greeted her. 

"Waslaam! how are you now? " she asked in he sweet voice. 

"I am better . I  have a happy news for you. My admission is done" I informed her happily.

" Allah ka sukr he( thanks to Allah)" she said with clear joy in her voice. we talked for few more minutes as I asked about how things were there.

As I placed my head against the pillow, my last thought before sleeping was " what is he planning now? Has he not have enough?".....


Usny choraa to nhi tha sirf beech raah me mujhko...
Mere jazbaat haary thy, meri ruh ko maara tha.....

Salaam readers! Heres the update❤️

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