Chapter 29

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Hello guys how have you guys been? I have really missed you guys, I also really missed writing simething so here is a new chapter oh here is my kik just if you want to talk to someone or just if you are bored
Anyways back to the story
"Tell you, what I will train you from now one okay we will have private lessons" I tell her with a smile

"Okay, thank you so much" she said with a no smile

She hugged me and at first I didn't know what to do but then I hugged her back it's nice having a hug after a long day.
Melissa's P.O.V
I duck so she doesn't punch me in the face, then I slide to the right so she is not able to attack me. I moved quickly so she tripped on her own two feet and fell to the ground.

"It's okay Andrea just try to not be so clumsy but besides that you have been doing very great in your training" I tell her

Who is Andrea you may ask? Well Andrea is the weak girl that was fighting with an opponent that got hurt. When I first started training her she was very bad and weak, she was just bones because she didn't eat, she thought she would get fat. The first thing I told her was not never starve herself and that she will soon be very good at fighting. She said that, that would never happen but look where we are now.

"Okay thanks Melissa for the tip I am so happy with the new me" she said smiling brightly at me

"It's no problem, plus training with you makes me forget all the things that are happening" I tell her with a sigh

I tell her that I have to leave to do somethings and she said it was okay that it was late anyways and her parents would be mad if she was home late.

I walk home and I open the door. The first thing I see is lots of shattered glass on the floor and also many things broken. I hear that there is lots of shouts coming from the kitchen. I walk over to see what was happening. I see Caden and Xavier fighting and they are throwing punches at each other.


They notice that I was in the room, they get off of each other. Xavier was about to talk but Caden cut him off.

"Well, let's just say that your perfect mate was kissing another women that wasn't new" he said

"Is it true Xavier?" I said not looking at him because I was having a mixture of anger and sadness inside of me.

"Now babe I was-" he said but I cut him off

"It's a yes or no question now answer me" I tell at him

"Yes so what bitch" he said

"What did you just call her" Caden said

"A bitch because that's what she is" Xavier said

"Say it one more time I dare you to" Caden told him

"She-is-a-bitch" Xavier said slowly and with a smirk at the end

I felt myself tearing up because I thought that this man was the right one, my one and forever. I was remembering what we have gone over the years. How we use to cuddle and watch movies, go walking on the beach, and how we TRIED to cook but failed miserably do we went to eat pizza.

All of that just meant nothing to him, absolutely nothing. But you know what I deserve better than this. I look up to see them fighting again. I can't be here, I have to be as far away from them.

I went running out of the house. I transformed to my wolf she was happy that she was finally let out but she was heart broken that our mate would ever tell us that. I was so distracted that I didn't even see that there was a rouge where I was.

He lunged towards me and he bit me on my neck and my foot so I could not go anywhere. I was panicking because I saw an army of rouges behind them. I had to tell Xavier and Caden.

"The rouges are here, they are ready to attack" I said in mind link

I could here Caden saying where was I at and if I was okay. I look up weakly to see the leader of the rouge army evilly at me.

"Let's see what we will do to you" He said
Oh what do you think he is going to do to Melissa? Will Caden save her on time?
Hello my T-Rexes how are you guys doing, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY. I love all of you, sorry for the wait but here is a chapter and thank you guys for 80k reads. I just found out this morning and I am so grateful.
Qftd: do you guys have a valentine?
Aotd: yes, she is my friend from school her name is Lily and she is my botch no just kidding but yea I love that girl.

If you guys don't have one maybe I can be your valentines? If you want?



with that said bbbbyyyee

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