Chapter 31

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Melissa POV

All I hope is that Caden is alright and that he aborts the mission.


Caden POV
Today is finally the day I we get to attack those filthy, worthless rouges and get back my mate. All we are doing right now is making sure that the weapons are in good condition because we don't want to go and then our weapons failing us at the last minute. We're also making sure that we have our protection even though we have a huge army we never know what will happen.
I have heard my precious mate screaming of torture and I also hear the fucking leader of the pack laughing at her. Every time I hear that I tell one of the guys to lock me up in one of the rooms so I don't kill them right then and there.
I can also feel all the pain that she is feeling I can feel and see the cuts and bruises made in her beautiful silky skin.
Melissa POV
Today is the day that they found me useless and are going to kill me. Do you have that felling that someone is watching you? That's exactly what I feel right now. I also have been having this weird feeling that Caden is here with me. Every night I have dreams that him and the pack are in the forest just waiting for a time to come get me.
I have been waiting for the bruises to heal and also the cuts but that's not going to be impossible if he keeps coming and beating me half to death.
------------5 Hours later--------
Caden POV
It's time to attack I'm so pumped with adrenaline. My wolf keeps screaming inside to go for my mate but I always tell him that we have to wait until the time is right so we don't put her endanger.
"Frank is everything ready?" I ask

"Yes sir"

"Do you think our warriors are ready for battle and please tell me the truth"

"Yes sir, I am pretty positive that all of them know what should happen and know what they are doing"

"Okay then, lets go rescue our Luna" I yell and go transform into my wolf and sprint off and the rest follow
Calm down Melissa, we are going to get you if its the last thing I do.

Melissa POV
I could hear paws thumping against the floor. What is happening outside? Is someone fighting? I see the someone kicking my door down. I can't see them due to the darkness in the room.

"Luna are you okay" someone ask

"Hello? Who is that?" I asked

"Oh, it's me, Patrick" he said

"Oh thank gosh" I said

He walks out of the darkness and I can see him more clearer.

"Who did you guys find me?"

"Oh we had some warriors follow your scent"

"No, Patrick you guys shouldn't be here the rouges know that you guys were going to attack and probably know you guys are here" I say

"But-" he was cut off by a noise

"Did you hear that?"

"Yeah, what was it?"

"I have no idea"

We hear it more closely and it was a scream.
I know that scream, I have heard it before.
Then it hit me it was
Hey my T-Rexes how you doing? Sorry I suck at updating💔 anyways
Qotd: any pets?
Aotd: they are not mine but I have 2 dogs and a cat, how about you?




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