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*2 weeks later*

The day of the release finally came, Harry and I were at my place waiting for midnight, fans already knew he wrote the song with me so they had a lot of expectations, just like us. When the clock got to midnight, we popped a bottle of champagne playing the song loudly in the music room so we didn't disturb the neighbors.

"It's everything we wanted it to be," Harry smiled listening to the bridge, "This is definitely a top chart song,"

"I love it," he wrapped his arms around me and held me in a tight hug lifting my feet from the ground, "We did an amazing job together,"

"Are you nervous for the interviews?" He put me down and looked at me with a grin, "I'll go with you, if you want,"

"A little, but I'll be fine," I sat on the little bench in front of the piano, "Don't worry about it, I'll just meet you at the party,"

"I'll meet you here before the party so we can drive together... we're spending the night here tomorrow right?" I nodded slowly, they wanted paparazzi to think we were finally sleeping together, we were supposed to stay in my house all weekend, maybe go out for dinner and then come back and make them believe we were having a crazy sex weekend.

Joe and I spent the day doing interviews, radio, tv and even for youtube channels, I was really excited for the late late show with James Corden, I've always been a huge fan but I also knew he was a little rough with questions so it made me nervous, what if I said something wrong and made fans and just people around the world find out I'm in the middle of a marketing stunt relationship.

"Just be yourself, you did great today," Joe patted my back before I walked on set for the interview, "Remember to imply you're dating Harry,"

I nodded and went to my place on set, James was already there going through his script, "Nice to meet you Alex," he smiled before the cameras rolled.

"I'm a huge fan of your show," like I said, a fangirl lives inside of me and sometimes is a little hard to leave her home.

"Action," director yelled before we could say anything else and the cameras turned to us.

"Welcome back to the late late show with James Corden, aka, me, today I'm here with the girl who broke the internet last night, she released a song at midnight and it was already on top 10 by the morning, ladies and gentleman, Alex Hudson," he started with his cheerful personality, it was amazing to see it in real life, he had an amazing energy.

"Hi James," I smiled trying to hide my nervousness, "I'm really excited to be here,"

"So, Alex, tell me a little about your song," he read from the cards on his hands.

"Well, this is the first single of my first album, I wrote it a few weeks ago and we just loved it, started working like crazy and released it," I lied, of course I couldn't say it was planned song that would make people believe I wrote it about Harry as a part of a scam to make me famous and Harry look like a saint.

"I heard you wrote it with a certain boy you're dating," he arched his brow at me, "Is it true?"

"Yes, that's true," I looked at the floor to pretend I was embarrassed, I was little, but I had to look like he just told my biggest secret.

"So who did you write this song with?" He was totally doing it un purpose, but it was a good moment to take advantage and let people know we were a thing.

"I wrote this song with Harry Styles," he pretended to be shocked laughing.

"So, if you wrote the song with the boy you are dating... and you wrote the song with Harry Styles, that basically confirms the theory of you two dating, am I right?" he crossed his arms and chuckled with a proud smile.

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