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Harry and I made a quick stop at his house for him to get ready, he was really nervous to meet dad and Will, I didn't imagine him to be like that, I thought fame and just his job in general made him more secure and comfortable with himself. I still found cute the fact that he was taking this step with me and finally meeting the 2 jealous man in my life.

"Stop overthinking this, you're amazing and they are going to love you," he was driving really slow form his house to mine, he probably had a storm going on inside his head.

"What if I mess this up?" He rubbed his eyes trying to find clarity.

"You won't," I reached for his hand and held it, he was a little sweaty, "You just passed my street,"

"I'm sorry, I'm just shaking, I don't want them to see me shaking," he turned to the left to go around the block.

"You're just adorable," I kissed his knuckle, "We'll be alright,"

"Did they seem interested in meeting me?" He parked in front of my house, Barry told him he would take the car in the garage.

"Yes, they're excited," we got out of the car and he grabbed my left hand tightly, while holding a very expensive whiskey bottle on his free hand.

I pulled him inside, their cars were there so they were home, I took a deep breath and stepped into the living room where they were having a conversation and a drink, I looked at Harry and he was frozen, it was weird to see him all shy and nervous.

"Guys, I want you to meet Harry," dad and Will stood up immediately and made their way to us, Harry still had a frightened look hidden under a smile.

"It so good to finally meet you son," dad extended his hand for Harry to shake.

"It's my pleasure sir, I'm Harry," he shook his hand tightly, good, he liked it when man knew how to squeeze hands hard enough.

"Call me Jeremy," he nodded with a smile, I liked the way dad was trying to like Harry, he never even said Michael's name correctly on purpose, he'd call him Marco.

"I'm Will, Alex's brother," this time my brother put his hand in front of him.

"I remember you, it's so good to see you again," Harry's body relaxed a little when he noticed a familiar face, he just had no idea Will wasn't a huge fan of our relationship.

"Let's start the night with a drink," dad patted Harry's back and led him to the bar.

"I brought some rye," Harry smiled lifting the bottle.

"Let me get that," he handed it to dad and he smiled the moment he felt the top of the bottle between his hands, "Good choice Harry, my favorite, do you want yours with ice?"

Dad's favorite wasn't too hard to guess since I had like 3 full bottles of that same whiskey at the bar in Los Angeles, I'm just glad he remembered because I have no idea about whiskey, I would've probably bought Jack Daniels.

"No ice, please," Harry answered shyly still holding on to my hand.

"I already like you, good decision maker," dad complimented him and I felt how his muscles relaxed a bit with that comment.

"I'll just have some wine," I let go of Harry's hand and went to pour myself some red wine, I saw Will a little tense standing next to Harry and I just sent him a killer look to be warmer with him.

"So, how did you meet?" Will asked trying to be nicer, he still sounded a little stern, but at least he was trying.

"At a party, the anniversary party in Los Angeles," Harry explained giving me a warm smile, if only they knew we met at an office where he kept throwing things against a wall...

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