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I was really excited for the show, the fact that I was not going to be able to see Harry and the boys on tour because of the stupid breakup contract made me really sad. It was my chance of seeing them performing together.

I loved the fact that day made a charity concert, it was amazing, of course it's part of marketing to the team, but they boys were excited that they were able to help those kids by donating all the money the concert gathered.

"We need you at the concert at 6:00, please be there on time," Paul told us as we landed, they gave them a free day to go around the city, Harry said it would be nice if we went out for a picnic, just the two of us and honestly, I couldn't think of anything better.

Dale, one of the guys from the team came with us in case we ran into fans or just people, "I will sit on that bench over there," Dale smiled pointing to a bench that was far enough to give us privacy, but still be able to help if he was needed.

"Thank you," Harry answered for the both of us and took a blanket of his backpack, he didn't let me bring anything, he said he wanted to take care of our date.

"I love the you planned this," I said as we set the blanket on the grass, it was beige with some light red stripes.

"Maddie helped me buy everything, I needed everything to be perfect," we sat on top of the blanket and he opened the basket and started taking everything out, "Turkey, no mustard, extra mayo and chipotle sauce," he put a sandwich in a plate and gave it to me.

"You remembered," it was something dumb, but one thing that I completely loved about him was his attention to detail, we've only had sandwiches together once and that was my exact order.

"Of course I remember," he poured white wine for the both of us, "No one knows we're here so we probably won't have any paparazzi around to bother us, it's just us,"

My sandwich was delicious, the view was great and company was even better, the park was empty so there was no noise or anything to distract us from ourselves. Once we were done with our meal we laid down to watch the clouds, I rested my head on Harry's shoulder as he rubbed circles in my arm.

"I was trying to write a song about you the other day," he broke the silence with a soft voice, "And I started to think about us and everything we've done together, you make me really really happy Alex, you are light and you brought it to my life,"

"You also make me happy," I turned to look at him, he was staring at the sky with a smile, "You make me feel special, appreciated, heard, you are a sunset,"

"You are the sunset here babe," he rolled over and ended on top of me, his necklaces hanging from his neck between us as he looked at me in the eye "Maybe that's what we make together, a sunset,".

"We're golden, fire and magic together," I smiled, it was true, when we were together I felt like the best version of myself, there was not a single person on earth that made me feel that way, just him.

"I love you," he said looking at me with a shy smile, even though I've heard those words before, it was the first time I knew someone meant it, his eyes were expressing the most sincere emotion I've ever seen, it made a fire light inside of me, I also knew saying that to me meant a lot to him, he saw love as passion, kindness, trust. The fact that I was making him feel those things was amazing.

"Harry," he moved away from me and helped me up, we were now sitting in front of each other.

"I don't expect you to say it back, remember? You know what love means to me, and that's why I say love, but you don't have to say it back," he held my face between his hands and made me look at him, "I know you care about me and that you're getting there, I don't want you to feel pressured," I felt chocked up, I just couldn't find the right words to say how I felt, te quiero didn't feel enough, but love is just a scary word to me, love, at least the way I look at it, comes with pain and heartbreak and that's not what I get from him.

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