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We were starting with the Ellen interview and it had me on edge, being on her show was something I had practiced in the mirror for years. They gave me a beautiful dressing room while we waited for the show to start, Tina and Joe didn't give me any instructions, they were just there with me in case I needed something.

A staff member took me through backstage quickly and the moment we were on the side of the stage, Ellen said my name and I had to walk in, that's not what I was expecting, I didn't even get to introduce myself to her.

"Alex you have me and the world in shock, I feel honored to be the first interview after the album release," she said smiling as I sat in front of her.

"I'm really excited to be here, I'm a huge fan of your show," I confessed and she laughed.

"Well, now we're fans of each other, I've been listening to the album non stop since your team sent me a copy last week," I had no idea they had sent her a copy, she listened to it even before my family did, "First of all, I want to tell you that you're insane! Who releases a first album with pop, rock, country, ballads? It's like you grabbed music genres and put them on a blender only to get an amazing milkshake, you rocked it,"

"Am I blushing?" I laughed when I felt how hot my cheeks were she just nodded laughing, "Whatever, I can't do anything about it, blushing always betrays my emotions, I hate it," I was totally rambling, I took a deep breath and answered her question, "We knew it was a big risk to have that many styles in a single album, but as I was writing the songs they just came up that way, and I couldn't just make them sound different because it changed the whole feeling behind them... so, after long discussions with my team, I convinced them to let me take that risk, listening to the whole thing I really liked how it turned out, so I wouldn't want it to happen any other way,"

"I have something else to ask you, I just feel like you're so different from all the other singers so I want to know what happens in that brain of yours," she sat straight and looked at me in the eye, "Why did you write beautiful breakup songs?" She laughed and so did the crowd, "We're used to the "I hope you die" kind of breakup songs, but yours are beautiful but yet relatable... You blew my mind,"

"I was a mess when I wrote half of the lyrics for this album, I think if you listen to it in order you can really catch the moment that love turned into heartbreak, honestly, I was going through a really hard time when writing the second half, so, I thought I would end up with some cursing in the lyrics," I confessed, "But when I started to process my feelings with songwriting, I just wrote and wrote with my heart and came up with these songs,"

"Wait, did you write the songs in the order they are in the album?" She looked shocked.

"Yeah, I wanted it to tell a story, my story, so when you're listening to the album, you can kinda notice how emotions were processed inside of me, from falling in love to being hurt and finally feeling better," the crowd cheered when I said I was feeling better.

"Alex, you're like the best ex someone could ever ask for, I low-key want to date you so we can break up and have you write beautiful songs about me," she joked, "So, here's the million dollar question, is the album about your relationship with Harry Styles? 'Cause if it is, I'll call him just to congratulate him on having the best ex girlfriend ever,"

"Well," I started, "I started the album almost at the same time we started as a couple, so, I can confess that Legends is our story, my side of our story, I mean, of course there are some details that are just about my life experience in general or just things that rhymed, but yeah, the strongest feelings I've experienced in the last months involve him, so he's the main inspiration,"

"You're like... the first person I've ever heard confess who their songs are about," She laughed, "Thanks for doing it on my show,"

"I don't think it was a huge secret, but I'm glad I can talk about this openly," I looked at Joe and he gave me his usual approving nod.

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