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Writing with Ed was a completely different experience, it was a short but deep session that left both Harry and I thinking about new song ideas... I had a lot of work in London while he was on break, but we'd always have a short writing session when I came over to his place after a long day working.

We ended up writing a song called I love you, it was based on how we both felt when we were not together and I just loved it... it was the perfect duet, Harry even said he'd pitch it to Mark, we needed to sing it together one way or another.

I don't know if it was the sense of freedom, but we became a very cheesy couple... we'd go to the movies, picnic, museums and even grocery shopping together.

My dad and Will made fun of us saying we were both acting like an old married couple, but we were just enjoying our time together in the same city, being able to kiss and hug in public... all the uncertainty I felt towards our relationship started to wash away.

People were happy we were together again, we were happy... things were finally falling into place, media was being nice with the news which forced Joe and Tina to stay away from our private and personal lives.

"I love how much my dad and Will like you," I smiled as I walked him to the door, I wanted to stay at his place, but I knew even mentioning it would make my dad a little uncomfortable, so we decided it would be better if I stayed with my father and hung out with Harry during the day, like a teenage couple.

"I like them a lot too," He pressed his lips softly against my forehead, "You have an amazing family, I hope someday we can have one of our own,"

"I hope so," I wrapped my arms around his torso and held on to him.

"I've been thinking a lot about it lately," he looked at me with a shy smile, "I had this dream the other night... it was our wedding day, we were saying our vows and it made me realize how bad I want to spend the rest of my life with you, would you consider marrying me someday?"

"I'd love to spend the rest of my life with you," I interlocked my fingers with his, "When the time is right, I'd me more than happy to become Mrs. Harry Styles,"

"We'll have beautiful kids," he let out the most sincere smile.

"I'm not sure the world is ready for that amount of cuteness," I laughed, "Imagine little Harry's and Alex's running around the house,"

"I can't wait," he kissed me softly, "See you tomorrow babe, I'll pick you up early,"

"I'll be ready," he got into his car and I came back inside.

Joe hired a stylist to get me an outfit for the wedding and I also had a makeup artist and hairstylist coming at 6:00 am, but they asked me to shower before I went to bed so my hair wasn't wet when they started. I took a quick shower, put on some self tanner and went straight to bed to at least get some sleep.

I was very excited for Jay's wedding, it had a very specific theme so we all worked hard on our outfits for the event. Mine was a black jumpsuit that made me look very classy, the stylist made sure it matched Harry's outfit so I couldn't wait to see how he looked.

Harry picked me up in a black vintage convertible porche, it matched his outfit and mine perfectly, I was in love with his recent obsession with hats, even though I would've never been atracted to someone who loves hats, they suited him amazingly making him look like a prince.

The conversation Harry and I had the night before, the wedding, all the boys wearing suit and ties... I had never actually thought that much about my wedding day, but that was all I could think about that day, I wanted to marry Harry and have a beautiful family with him.

Having kids was a scary thought to me, specially having kids being a celebrity married to another celebrity, I always promised myself I would keep my kids away from the fame childhood I had, but with Harry... it felt like a fairytale life.

"Why did they allow paparazzi inside?" I asked Harry as we walked across the garden with paparazzi screaming our names, I actually thought it would be a small and private event for Louis' family.

"They allow him to be here now and then kick them out when the party starts," he explained as we walked over to Lou and Lottie who were taking pictures together, "That way no one tries to sneak in to get a picture,"

"I imagined the place would be filled with security for privacy reasons," I laughed, the boys tend to keep their family out of the public eye.

"Alex I love your outfit," Lou embraced me in the warmest hug, "Take a pic with us,"

I posed for some pictures with Lou and Lottie and then joined everyone for the ceremony, it was weird to me, I promise weddings are completely different depending on the country, in England they're in a garden with a small amount of people, in America, weddings are very traditional and they even make a rehearsal dinner, and weddings in Mexico are massive parties, hundreds of people getting drunk in the same place.

Another thing that caught my eye in the wedding was the fact that people played cricket, Niall was so invested in the game, I was just amused.

"I have to take you to a Mexican wedding someday," I patted Niall's back as we laughed, "I'm sure you'd love it,"

"You and Harry can get married in Mexico and invite me," she smirked, "I can imagine, lots of tequila, sombreros and mariachi,"

"No sombreros, expensive gowns, lots of alcohol, and mariachi at 5:00 am," I laughed and he turned to me with wide eyes, "Best parties I've ever been to,"

"I'm going to talk to Harry so we can plan the wedding as soon as possible," he joked, but I wouldn't mind at all, actually.

It was a very happy day for everyone, Jay and Dan were deeply in love, and it showed, so everyone invited was just celebrating love and life... it was very romantic, I had a great time with the One Direction gang.

The sad part came the next day when I had to fly back home and leave Harry behind, I wanted him to come with me, but they had some things to film in England before tour started again, we wouldn't see each other in a few weeks and honestly, it was depressing to head back home to be alone, all my friends were at their home towns for the summer.


This was a short cute chapter, but that's why I made the double update! 

Cool things are coming in the story, a lot of Easter eggs actually, so stay tuned for more :)




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