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December 22, 1990

'You're special'

Valerie hung onto the words Oliver had said to her for the next two weeks. It was probably silly to cling to something as little as a compliment, but Valerie couldn't help herself. She didn't know what he had done to her, but she could not stop thinking about him. She could not stop.

A couple waves and smiles from across classrooms were all that happened between them over the two weeks. Valerie wanted to talk to him more and more every day but didn't get the chance. Oliver also seemed like he wanted to talk to her, but always got pulled away.

The bright side of her troubles was that today Valerie was going back home for the Christmas holidays and couldn't be happier to see her dad. One thing Valerie had neglected doing for her trip was packing. She was now frantically going around packing with her other roommate, Penelope Clearwater, who also decided to leave her packing for today.

"Valerie! Where did you put my black sweater?!" Penelope shouted from across the room.

"I didn't take that! It was Ang!" Valerie shouted back as she was stuffing her books into her trunk. Angelica had also had to do some last-minute packing, but she didn't care as much about the holidays as Valerie or Penelope. Both girls had happy, loving families to go home to for Christmas. While Angelica had a family, who hated her, and disregarded her as a human.

"Oh, um... I think it's in my dresser, go check." Angelina said lazily while lying on her bed, twirling her wand in her hand.

"Well, maybe you could go and get it considering your just sitting there." Penelope replied coldly.

"Yeah Ang, shouldn't you be packing? We have to leave soon." Valerie added.

Angelina looked rather annoyed that the two girls were rounding on her and replied, "Well, I'm not packing because I don't have parents who love me waiting for me! I'd rather stay here but they need me in the stupid Lestrange Manor for some stupid Death Eater Christmas party!" shouting in a furious voice. She then got up stormed over to her dresser, took out Penelope's sweater and chucked it at her from across the room, "And here's your stupid sweater!"

Penelope caught the sweater and had an expression of utter terror on her face. Valerie only felt sympathetic for Angelica because she was going to have to endure two depressing weeks at the Lestrange Manor with her horrible family.

Angelica, still fuming took her trunk out of her closet and started throwing her clothes into it, aggressively.

Valerie nor Penelope dared to speak to Angelica for the rest of their packing frenzy because they were bound to get hexed.


The train ride back to London was quite enjoyable for Valerie as she spent time with her best friends. Angelica was still a little moody from her outburst in their dorm, but wasn't screaming anymore, so Valerie took it as a sign to ask her a question.

"Ang, why not after your parent's Death Eater party you come to my house for the rest of the break?" Valerie asked hopefully.

"That's nice of you to ask, but my parents won't allow it. They don't like me associating myself with half-bloods." Angelica scoffed.

"I know, I know, just ask? Please? You shouldn't have to be depressed for two whole weeks." Valerie said softly.

"Alright, I'll ask. Fingers crossed they don't use the Cruciatus Curse on me if I speak to them." Angelica said as she chuckled to herself.

Ace eyed Valerie nervously at Angelica's dark joke and Valerie only shrugged; it was common for Angelica to make a joke out of her horrible parents.

As the Hogwarts Express pulled into the station, the trio began unloading their belongings off the shelves of their compartment. Angelica did this rather slow, considering she had to come face-to-face with her mother in a few moments.

Valerie hugged both of her best friends tightly and wished them a happy Christmas before going through the barrier at Platform 9 and ¾ and arriving on the other end at King's Cross. Valerie recognized a familiar tall, pale, and severely scarred wizard looking around for his daughter and an idea popped into Valerie's head.

She strolled towards Remus and tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Excuse me sir, but can you help me find my father?" with an innocent smile.

A huge smile spread across Remus' scarred face and he quickly pulled Valerie into a tight embrace. "I missed you!" He said when they pulled apart.

"I missed you so much more!" Valerie replied, grinning, and pulled him back into another painfully tight hug.

"How was term?" Remus asked as he picked up Valerie's trunk and began walking out of King's Cross.

"It was good, in Charms, I was the only one to master the summoning spell and we aren't even supposed to learn that until next year!" Valerie replied.

"Well, you get that from me. I was top of my class in Charms every year." Remus said looking proud.

Valerie smiled up at him and hugged him again, she loved seeing him so happy.

The two walked outside and went behind the large building that was King's Cross. Remus held out his arm so the two could disapparate to their home. One second Valerie was outside a tall brick building and the next she was standing on the front doorstep of her welcoming, childhood home. Their house was in the outskirts of London, in more of a country-type area. Both her mother and father had spent most of their lives confined in places they hated so once they finished Hogwarts they moved directly to the country.

Valerie sighed and proceeded, "I missed this!" Remus smiled at her and entered through the front door. Tally, their house elf, was waiting at the door with a grin on her face.

"Tally! I missed you!" Valerie said as she bent down low to hug Tally.

"Tally has missed Mistress Valerie dearly! Very much so! Tally will now go make tea." Tally said in a high-pitched, squeaky voice and then walked into the kitchen.

Valerie, Remus, and Tally had the best night Valerie had in a long time, she absolutely loved spending time with her family. She was smiling so much her cheeks were sore when she laid down in her bed that night to go to sleep. All the worry she had for her situation with Oliver had vanished.


December 25, 1990

Valerie awoke on Christmas morning to a stack of presents at the end of her bed. Angelica had got her a set of shiny, expensive quills, and a book on The Hollyhead Harpies Quidditch team. Ace had gotten her a new Ravenclaw Quidditch sweater, and a box of Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans. Penelope had gotten her a book on Advanced Transfiguration. Valerie's favorite gift was by far the one her father had gifted her. It was a gold, pendant necklace that once belonged to her mother. The pendant itself had the Santos crest on it with beautiful, silver encrusted flowers spiraling around the fancy 'S' that was the Santos crest. It was the most amazing gift Valerie had ever received.

She put on her new necklace and ran downstairs to see her father. She saw him sitting at the table eating a piece of toast cut into four pieces, each with a different spread on it. It was his ideal breakfast.

She walked up to him and hugged him tightly. "I love it. I love it so much." She whispered to him, still clutching him tightly.

"I knew you would like it." Remus said, smiling as Valerie sat down next to him and picked up a piece of his toast, and took a bite out of it.

"I love it! Why didn't you give it to me sooner?" Valerie demanded holding the pendant around her neck in her hands.

"I don't know." Remus shrugged, "It seemed right to wait a while before giving it to you, you know, after she- "

Remus went numb in the face and Valerie internally shuddered. This little sequence of events happened every time they spoke about Arctura's death.

"I know dad, I know." Valerie said sadly as she placed a hand on Remus' shoulder.

Remus sighed and continued, "I'm glad you like it sweetheart. I love you." He looked up and smiled at her.

"I love you more." Valerie said and took another bite of toast.

One. Last. Time. {Oliver Wood}Where stories live. Discover now