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-dream pov-

as soon as i heard george join the vc i spoke up "wow george you wouldn't shower with me because of my mask. that's harsh"

"what do you mean?! have you seen that thing?" he questions

"yeah it's hot"

"sure...? like at that point i don't even care what you look like i just don't want to see the mask"

"hmm interesting" the smirk on my face grows as i come up with an idea.

"what does that mean" i end up ignoring him. continuing on with my plan.

i tried to be silent while doing this, if i muted on discord he would question it to much. i grab my phone off the desk and open snapchat. i take a picture of myself. i smile grows on my face as i click send.

"dream..." he paused. i let out a chuckle

-george pov-

i opened the picture, revealing what he had sent me moments prior. the picture revealed dreams jawline, you couldn't see his face but you could see his beautiful dirty blonde hair. it was medium length, and wavy. the picture also showed dreams shoulder, indicating he was shirtless.

"george..helloooo" he interrupted

i still never closed out of the picture. i didn't want to, i felt the need to keep staring at it. without even thinking, i screenshot the photo.

"GEORGE!" dream screamed from the other end.

moments later, i finally closed out of the photo. i go into my photos app, and stare at the picture once more. "holy fuck why am i like this." i thought.

"wow george am i that hot for you to handle. you've been silent for like 4 minutes"

it's been 4 minutes? i've been staring at that picture for 4 minutes? no it was only 30 seconds, right?

"i didn't mean to screenshot it" i lied. dream obviously didn't believe me.

"george turn facecam on."

fuck. i open snapchat again and go to the camera. looking at my face once more. i was blushing...

"no" i laugh

"just do it" he spoke sarcastically

seconds later i turn facecam on."this is so awkward" i thought.

"aww georgie you're blushing"

i turned my facecam off before replying. "no i'm not"

"then why did you turn your facecam off" you could hear his smile from the other end.

"why not" i was speechless...

after about 10 more minutes of joking back and fourth, dream and i played on the smp. we weren't doing anything special, we went netherite mining but didn't find much.

after playing on the smp for a couple hours, dream and i joined quackitys stream, which was jackbox. karl, sapnap, corpse, quackity, and dream and i were all playing. of course everyone was pandering. making dnf jokes, mentioning mrbeast, and corpses songs.

dream made a couple of shower jokes, which only i understood of course. everyone else was simply confused, until chat started to get suspicious about it. everyone else didn't understand why george and dream kept laughing at a shower joke. quackity had noticed the chat and decided to ask about it.

chat was spamming stuff like...

"why is a shower jokes so funny to them"


"omg wait did they meet up and shower together LMAOO OMG"

"oh yes, shower joke: funny"


"hey dream and george, why is the shower so funny to you two?" quackity asked...


worlds: 584 :)
feel free to leave suggestions on stuff you want to happen further in the story! i might consider it

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