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-george pov-

i woke up in clays arms once again. he was still sleeping. grabbing my waist from behind. i wanted to let him sleep seeing we stayed up all night.

now we were down to two days.

only two more days of me staying in florida. two more days until i have to fly back to england. two more days of being with my favorite people.

but i have to go. i have my own life back in the UK. i have family, friends, and pets. but i wanted to stay in america.

i wanted to stay with the people i loved most. except that was all the way on the other side of the world.

obviously i knew that it wouldn't be my last time seeing dream. i knew that in another five months i would fly back down to florida. or he flies to me.

but i didn't want to wait half a year. i wanted to wake up every day next to him.

but i couldn't.

i tried getting up to go to the bathroom but dream gripped on to me harder.

"i'll piss the bed" i laughed.

he slowly let go of me letting my get out of bed. a frown formed on his face.

"that's what i thought. pissbaby"

i went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. i headed downstairs and began to make a simple breakfast for everyone.

about thirty minutes later they all came down and ate. we all got ready for the day since we were going out.

we only had a couple days left here and wanted to go do something we could all remember.

we didn't plan on going anywhere too cool. we were going somewhere basic.

we decided to go to a park and hang out. it was right besides a lake. we mainly planned on sitting in the grass and hanging out.

we were all done getting ready and got into the car. it wasn't too long of a drive. it was only around a nine minute drive. once we finally arrived we all walked over to the lake and looked around.

we admired the nature before walking over to the grass and sitting down. i pulled out my phone and texted dream.

when should we tell them?

want to do it while we're here?

yeah sure
do you think they know?

probably not. it hasn't been that long and it wasn't really obvious

they're probably clueless

now dnf and karlnap are real ;)

yeah we can let the fans figure that one out on themselves

okay but when do we tell them....

like twenty minutes ig


we both put our phones down looking at each other at the same time. making eye contact for a split second and both smiled.

karl and sapnap stopped talking and looked at both of us. we both immediately looked away before dream spoke up.

"we should go walk along the lake"

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