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-dream pov-

why were you guys up there for so long
kinda sus lol

it was only like 10 minutes

yeah but I thought you were only going out there to have him come inside.

i stayed out there and got some fresh air with him

oh okay.
what time do you plan on giving your present to george again?

i'm not sure. maybe between 12-7. it depends when do you have to go to the store

around 7:30 is when the girl said they were going to be back in stock.

okay. then i can just give it to him while you're gone or something

okay. sounds like a plan


today was the day. the day that i planned on giving george his surprise. there wasn't really a reason to buy him anything. it wasn't christmas or his birthday. it was just a simple present.

i was still in bed next to george. he was facing the opposite direction softly snoring. i didn't want him to wake up seeing i wanted him to have energy for the rest of the day. i wouldn't want him to be exhausted when i gave him his gift.

part of me felt bad for george. he probably felt left out the last couple of days. him seeing sapnap and i laughing together about our two surprises.

and no matter how many times he would ask us what it was we would either end up repeating the same information but wording it differently, or completely ignore him.

at least today was his last day. the last day where he would spend his entire time awake stressing out about what we were doing.

i really hoped george enjoyed the gift i got him. i know the fans would be happy. i wasn't really sure why i bought it even. in the airport it came into my head and i stuck with it.

to be fair though sapnap and george were hiding something from me too. whenever we get home from places they would always go into george's room and lock the door.

it happened maybe three times. and every single time they would end up being in there for roughly twenty minutes. then they would both come back downstairs with a smile on their faces. or atleast sapnap would. george you couldn't really tell. his expression was blank.

i really wanted to know what sapnap and george were hiding from me...i guess this is how george feels.

i felt movement coming from my right. it was george rolling over. i looked over my shoulder to see if he was awake but he wasn't. apparently he just rolled over.

i wanted to text sapnap and ask if i should wake george up or not.

should i wake george up or let him sleep in

except before i pressed the send button i slowly erased the message. if i mentioned george and i sleeping together sapnap would jump to conclusions.

i decided to let george sleep in for another hour. if he wasn't awake by then i would come back and wake him up.

i climbed out of bed carefully trying not to wake george up. i decided to go shower to pass some time.

the not so good subgoalWhere stories live. Discover now