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-george pov-

"he just wanted to talk about coding and stuff" i lied, of course.

"is that the truth?"

"yeah?" no

"oh, you've just been acting weird lately"

"h-how?" i stuttered out of fear.

"i don't know really, just ever since your stream you've been different"

"really? i'm fine, honestly"


"okay george" he replied. "i'm bored now, do you want to facetime again"

again?! i'll be able to facetime him again? my day had just gotten better. being able to hear his voice more was a blessing. and hearing his laugh. and seeing his fluffy hair, which gave me butterflies everytime.

i answered quickly, before he thought i was ignoring him.

"sure! i'll call you in a second."

"alright, bye"

dream hung up after saying goodbye, i unlocked my phone opening the 'facetime' app. i clicked on dreams contact, patiently waiting for him to answer.

when he answered the phone i shut my pc off, not really paying attention to my phone.

when i looked up i noticed dream, more of him was showing this time. now i could see half of his face. revealing his defined jaw line.

dream started to softly giggle, as i started to blush at the screen. i took a facetime photo.


"oops sorry, finger slipped" i spoke in sarcasm.

"i'm not going to show you more of me if you keep taking screenshots georgie"

"oh come on, it's not like i get to see you often anyways" i laughed

he didn't respond. "did i make him uncomfortable?"

i waited for another 30 seconds but got nothing. i stared at dream, waiting for an answer. but still got nothing. i could still see him, so he didn't leave.

then i got a snapchat notification, followed by a simple, "fine, take that"

did he just...?? no, he wouldn't.

"dream...you- it was a joke"

i didn't know if i wanted the open the picture. of course i wanted to know what dream looked like, but i also like the mystery of not knowing. it was fun that way.

"it's not my face, i promise"

well, if it's not his face...then shouldn't i open it?
but what could the picture be? his hair again? i have no clue. i guess the only way to find out is to open it.

"if you say so" i stuttered, scared for what comes next.

i hesitantly open the picture, revealing what he had sent me.

my eyes widened, followed by me intensely blushing. it definitely wasn't his face, but it was something even better.

it was a picture of dream, without his face obviously. but it wasn't just his forehead, or his hair. it was a mirror picture.

he was wearing a plain white t-shirt, showing off his muscles. along with that, he was wearing basic sweatpants. black to be specific. he was holding his phone in his right hand, which was covering his face in the mirror.

i forget dream could see me on facetime, he had probably noticed the blush by now.

i took a screenshot of the photo, of course. dream didn't react this time. he was probably expecting it.

i decided to send one back to him. i scrolled through my camera roll and stumbled across the perfect picture.

it was a picture just like dreams, except it showed my face in it. i clicked the send button. waiting for it to say 'open'.

he opened the picture and saved it in seconds.

i heard his ringer going off, it was him taking a picture. he attempted to take one multiple times, which made me smile.

right when i got the notification dream spoke, breaking the comfortable silence. "just for you george"

i opened the picture, it was a picture of dreams hands. i screenshotted the picture, hiding my face from dream on facetime. i stayed, staring at the picture once more. i closed out, trying to take a new picture to send to dream.

i sent dream a picture of my jawline, angled slightly upwards. he opened it immediately, and screenshotted of course.

why do i want these photos so bad? and why did i admire them so much...? did i find him attractive?

i started thinking back to when i googled.....that. and all of it kind of made sense. all of the dots connected.

i guess i am attracted to dream...

my thoughts get interrupted by dream. "george you're cute, you know"

i smiled. "so are you"

"oh please, you don't even know what i look like"

"one, i have like six pictures of you. two, i just know, i feel it"

"six? i only remember you saving five"

i forgot he didn't know i screen shotted him list time we were on facetime.

"oh...i might have screenshotted a picture of you" i said. "on facetime the other night"

"of course you did, you just can't get enough of me can you" he teased.

"your right" i spoke quietly under my breathe, hoping he wouldn't hear it.

except, he did. "oh i know georgie"

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