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-karl pov-

sapnap and i walked through the door seeing no one around. there was no sign of george or dream. we shut the door lightly then walked over to the stairs.

we went upstairs and peaked our heads into george room.


he was probably in dreams room. we gave each other a look in the eye with a smile on our faces.

maybe it did work....

or they were tired and slept with each other...again.

i felt kind of bad for 'forcing them together' except we weren't really forcing them.

the only thing we were doing was leaving them alone together so they could do there own thing without us stopping them. we can't really force them together.

even if we did force them into a real relationship they might not be happy. they could be dating but maybe it could be moving too fast. or maybe one of them weren't ready for a relationship yet.

sapnap and i walked into his room and put the bag in the corner. we put it out of sight just incase george or dream walked in.

we laid down in bed under the covers and got comfortable in each others arms. we both slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.

-george pov-

i woke up feeling comfortable again. i was
laying on dream. he looked peaceful and warm.

i woke up before him and decided to keep still. i stayed in the same position, hoping it wouldn't wake him up. he was softly snoring making me smile.

he's cute when he's asleep.

i saw his eyes lightly open as he looked me in the eye. without hesitation he leaned forward and gave me a short kiss on the lips and smiled. he pulled his head back resting it on his pillow as he smiled once more.

god i cant handle this anymore. how am i supposed to go another week being around dream. how am i supposed to live through that.

it's not like i can avoid him either. i couldn't put myself to do that. i mean we technically sleep with each other every night. and we've kissed each other multiple times.

i wanted to ask how he felt but i was scared. i mean, i obviously thought that he liked me. i knew that he liked me. thinking back on the things we do that's not something 'best friends' do with each other.

and if he didn't feel the same way i would be embarrassed for thinking that.

i wanted to confess to him today. or at least tell him how i felt. but there was only one thing stopping me.

how he felt.

there were three ways this could go, and three ways only.

the first way would be he likes me back and we move on from there. second, he doesn't feel the same way and i completely ruin the friendship. the last way is i tell him and he likes me back. but isn't quite ready for a relationship yet.

i was fine with either of those options. except for the second option. i didn't care if he didn't like me back. that's for him to decide. i knew that eventually some day i would get over him and move on.

i didn't want to ruin our friendship of over five years just because i had a crush on dream. i didn't want him to be weirded out every time he talked to me after i confessed.

no one would want that.

dream spoke up, interrupting me from my intrusive thoughts. "george...." he said trying to catch my attention.

"huh- oh. hi"

"are you okay"

"uhm....yeah? i was just thinking about some thing"

"what were you thinking about"

i hesitated before answering. i wasn't sure if i wanted to tell the truth or not. i was sure if i was ready to tell the truth.

"nothing important"

"it was obviously something if it's bothering you"

i hate how he noticed these things. it makes me so happy to know that he cares, yet so mad that i'm about to say it.

"you know when you feel something but are scared to admit," i paused and let out a deep sigh. "as if you'll ruin everything"

"yeah...and you really want to admit something but you don't want the outcome to be bad" he butted in.

in the moment i was clueless. i was oblivious that we were talking about the same thing.

"yeah....? and you really want to be something more but you're scared"

"....scared that you'll ruin everything. like a friendship with someone?" he added.

"yeah," i stuttered. "how do you know" i said still clueless of the events happening.

"because i feel the same way george" he said nervously.

never once i my life did i think this is how i would break. all because i couldn't keep my thoughts to myself.

i didn't even care if he rejected me anymore. i just didn't want him to agree with me because he felt bad. i also didn't want to make him uncomfortable.
my heart sunk into my chest hearing those words come out of his mouth. i quickly shot my head up from his chest and looked back at him.

we stared into each others eyes looking at one another. without thinking i pulled him into a kiss. he kissed me back almost immediately. it was a long and passionate kiss. better than all of the others.

we both pulled out of the kiss in sync and stared into each others eyes once more. there was a comfortable silence in the room. both of us tried processing the events that had just happened moments prior.

"george...i have liked you for the longest time you don't even know. every time i heard your voice, every time i saw your sweet smile, every time i would even look at you my heart would skip a beat. no one could ask for anything better in this world than you. you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. these past five years have been the best years of my life" dream quickly, but softly spoke.

"ever since the day my stream happened everything changed for me. my feelings for you changed. i couldn't stop thinking about you. your voice, your laugh, the way you can hear yourself smile when you talk on streams...everything. the pictures you sent me i held on to because i couldn't get over you. i looked at them every single day wishing you were here with me. except i was scared. scared that i would ruin whatever we have right now" i said with a shaky breathe.

"george nothing you do can ruin our friendship. i love you too much for any of that stupid shit to happen"

"thank you dream. this....this doesn't feel real"

"trust me, it is" he said while gripping onto me tighter.

"does this mean....we" he started.

"i'll be whatever you want us to be"

"okay. we shouldn't tell karl and sapnap though"


i did it. i fucking did it. i confessed to dream. i didn't want to. it kind of...happened. i planned on living through the mystery of not knowing if he liked me or not, but i didn't have to do that anymore.

he liked me. and i was too clueless to notice it. but know i knew.

words- 1246

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