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-george pov-

we both pulled away from the hug at the same time. we sat back down on the blanket staring far out at the sunset. dream wrapped his arm around my shoulder. i wrapped my arms around his waist as well.

i'm not a very emotionally expressive person, but i cried when i watched my first sunset. it felt as if i was on a completely different planet.

i still couldn't believe dream did this for me. i was confused on what he meant by him not knowing if i would like them. maybe he thought i wouldn't like it because of the sudden change.

but i loved it

not long after the sun was fully set dream spoke up. should we go back now"

"yeah it's getting pretty cold" i replied.

we picked up all of the bags and blankets that we brought and started walking back to the car. we packed it all back into the trunk, making sure the glasses wouldn't get crushed.

dream shut the trunk and we walked back over to the car doors. he unlocked the car and got in.

even while in the car dream and i were still holding hands. his hands were warm and comforting, while mine were as cold as always.

this time instead of one of us picking the songs we let the playlist go on shuffle. it played a mix of jack harlow, one direction, mother mother, and patd.

i decided to text sapnap to make sure he was back from getting whatever he needed. i unlocked hands with dream to text sapnap.

are you back home yet?

yeah i just got back..
how was it ;)

shut up

so you didn't confess...

shut up :) dream and i are on our way home

:( text me when you're close

i reached back over to dream side of the car. grabbing his hand once again. shivers went down my spine as his warm hand touched mine.

dream smiled instantly as our hands touched. i instantly started blushing as i saw his smile. my cheeks becoming a rosy red. i looked the other direction now facing the window. hoping dream wouldn't notice.

we were pulling down the street now only a couple minutes away from home. i grabbed my phone once again. except i never let go.

i texted sapnap with my one hand, then shutting my phone off.

we're pulling down the street right now

dream eventually pulled into the driveway and we both grabbed everything we needed. dream grabbed his phone, walking back to the trunk to grab my glasses. i grabbed my phone as well and met dream at the back of the car.

"for you" he softly spoke while putting the bag in front of me to grab. i grabbed the bag dropping it by my side slowly.

we walked up to the front door in sync, dream letting me go first. when we reached the steps dream rushed in front of me opening the door before i could.

i smiled as i walked through the front door seeing sapnap sitting on the couch. sapnap quickly looked back at us as dream shut the front door.

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