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-george pov-

i walked down the isle of the airplane, looking around for my seat. i got into the middle section of the plane and finally found my seat. thankfully i was sitting on the outside.

i sat down and pulled my phone out of my pocket. i connected my airpods to my phone, i opened spotify and clicked the shuffle button.

sweater weather: the neighbourhood

i let out a small laugh, as i remember singing sweater weather on karls stream with dream once. as the song faded into a new one, the smile slowly went away.

505: arctic monkeys

as the song continued to play, i recognized it somehow. then i realized, it was the song i woke to that dream was humming.

the song eventually ended. i grabbed my phone and went back a song, playing it on repeat. while it played all i could think about was dream humming it to me.

all of the sudden they came onto the speaker. i patiently listen while they go through all the safety rules. you never know what could happen.

after another five minutes they were finally done. everyone put on there seatbelts as the plane slowly started to move.

i turned my volume up from my phone, making my music loud. i tried getting into a comfortable position to fall asleep but it was impossible. there was no leg space at all, causing my legs to be cramped.

for most of the flight i stared at the back of the seat in front of me. i fidgeted with my phone most of the time as well.

i kept the same song on repeat though. i never changed it once.

i liked this song. it was perfect. mainly because it reminded me of dream.

about every thirty minutes i kept checking the time on my phone. except everytime only five minutes have passed.

it's only been about five hours and i couldn't handle this anymore. my entire body was hurting.

it was obviously worth it though. to be able to meet dream and sapnap was worth all of this pain.

i attempted to fall asleep once again. i only slept for about three hours though. meaning i had another five hours left.

this was horrible. this is the worst pain i've been in in awhile. i tried moving around in the seat to loosen my muscles. it surprisingly kind of worked.

i put my head down against the back of the seat, slowly shutting my eyes.


i woke up from an aggressive shaking. then it hit me.

the plane is landing.

a smile shot onto my face. its happening. it's finally happening.

after three minutes the plane finally landed. i jumped up from my seat, patiently waiting for everyone to exit before i could.

i finally got off of the plain, feeling refreshed. it felt good to finally be standing after a thirteen hour flight.

i immediately texted dream, telling him my flight had landed.

i just got off the plane

okay i'm 5 minutes away

no texting and driving. bye!

i smiled as i put my phone back into my pocket. i made my way over to the luggage claim, patiently waiting to grab my suitcase. about seven minutes later i finally grabbed my suitcase. all i had to do now is wait for dream to get here.

it took dream awhile to get here so i decided to text him.

it's been 15 minutes are you okay

yeah i'm fine


damn george calm down


i'm buying something give me a second

fine text me

about ten minutes later of waiting, i finally get a text from dream.


where are you



over by the entrance

shit that's far. okay give me a second

i leaned up against the wall on my side, waiting for dream to come. i scrolled through my twitter timeline, when i finally got another text from dream


i see you ;)

my eyes shot up from my phone, looking around. except i didn't see him.

i don't see you??

after sending the message i looked up from my phone. i started to look around again, still leaning on my side.

just come up to me omg i want to see you

i let out a sigh while i waited. i waited for either another text or for someone to walk up to me. except i got nothing, so i texted dream. again

dream i swear where are you

he read the message, but didn't reply. i sighed as i shut my phone off, reaching back to put it into my back pocket.

except somebody grabbed my wrist, causing me to jump. i quickly turned around to he met with the eyes of dream.

i wasted no time before pulling him into a hug. letting out a deep breathe, tears started to form in my eyes. he let out a cute laugh.

"awww don't cry"

"i've been waiting to hug you all these years" i muffled back

i never wanted to let go
words- 850
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