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-george pov-

it was day three of visiting florida and we all decided to go to the beach. it was hot and sunny outside so it was perfect.

we all packed our things into the car and headed to the beach.

when i got into the car memories from this morning came back. how dream willingly drove to the store for me at 2am. and when he grabbed my hand to comforted me. a smile came onto my face thinking back at it.

dream and sapnap were yet again fighting over whos music taste was better. they kept shuffling each other's playlists...again.

for most of the car ride i scrolled endlessly through my phone. it was a mix of twitter and instagram. i would occasionally look at the window but that got boring after awhile.

about thirty minutes later of driving and we finally arrived at the beach. it wasn't too crowded, but there were still plenty of people.

we walked around for awhile finding a spot that didn't have many people by it. when we finally found one we set down our towels and bags.

"you guy ready to go swimming" dream calls out

"yeah i'm excited" sapnap said

i nodded my head in response.

we were all already wearing our swim trunks, along with a t-shirt on.

we all took out shirts off and started walking over to the ocean. i couldn't help but stare at dream. for obvious reasons of course. i snapped back into reality, looking away quickly.

we all walked over to the ocean, now at the edge of the water.

"george feel the water" sapnap shouted

"no it's going to be cold!"

"come on, just do it" dream chimed in

"ugh fine" i rolled my eyes as i slowly walked into the water. it wasn't the coldest water but it was still cold enough to make me shiver. i got goosebumps all over my hands and legs.

"is it cold" sapnap cluelessly asked

"yeah but it isn't too bad"

sapnap and dream walked slowly into the ocean. i watched their faces cringe as they touched the cold water.

out of no where dream dived into the water, now fully wet. his hair looked good wet. i liked how messy it was.

i clear my thoughts as i dunked myself underwater. the cold water made my spine shiver. a couple of seconds later i come back up, catching my breathe.

"damn george, your hair looks good wet," dream spoke. "you should style it like that"

so should you

"hmm i'll consider it"

"can you two stop flirting with eachother. we are at the beach, not a bedroom"

"SAPNAP!" i immediately yelled back

i knew the next couple of weeks would be difficult with sapnap. with him having me confess to him i knew that the endless dnf jokes wouldn't go away.

i knew he would end up teasing me about it constantly. it obviously didn't bother me. i just didn't want sapnap to do it too often to where dream caught on.

dream and i have been constantly flirting with eachother for years now. except it was all a joke.

sadly...it was a joke.

i ignored my thoughts and continued to swim around the dream and sapnap.

dream kept coming over to me just to pick me up and throw me into the water. honestly it was quite fun.

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