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-george pov-

i woke up to the sound of calm humming. i was confused at first, but realized i had fallen asleep on call with dream.

i grabbed my phone, and turned it on. i was greeted with dream on my screen. all i could see was his hair, but i was still grateful.

dream then noticed i was awake. "george! you're up, finally"

"oh shut up it isn't even that late"

"george. it's 1pm for you, remember i'm five hours behind. i got 2 hours of sleep and still woke up before you" he let out a wheeze

"if you wanted to sleep you could've told me you know"

"george i'm fine, i like talking to you anyways"

"simp" i quietly spoke

"oh shut up, remember what you said last night?"

"that doesn't count"

"oh come on" he spoke

"he said the thing! he said the thing!" i mocked

"why do they do that everytime anyways" he laughed, "i don't get what's the special about it"

"because it's... never mind"

"no...what were you going to say"

don't make me say it

he demanded a response, "george...answer me"

"because..." i paused. "it was hot"


"oh was it now georgie? glad to see you find me hot"

how the hell do i respond to that?! i only realized i was 'attracted' to dream the other night. i didn't know how to actually face my problems. usually i would just leave vc or leave them on read, and end up dealing with them another time. but it was dream, and i couldn't put myself to that.

right before i was about to answer, i got interrupted. from a text message from sapnap. he has said something in our "the boys😈🥶🔥" groupchat.

dream and i were both confused. we both clicked the message, revealing what he had sent.

the boys😈🥶🔥

i know we talk about this a lot and stuff but i was wondering you guys wanted to finally meet up??

"george are you seeing this?!"




alright when's everyone free, does anyone have anything important coming up or not?

i'm free whenever

yeah same

what if george and i leave in a week?

that works with me

sounds good

i already bought my ticket, it leaves in exactly a week. dream i land saturday around 9am.

okay, it's done!

okay i'll buy mine later tonight


"george i'm finally going to able to meet you"

"i cant wait to meet you dream, this is going to be the longest week of my life"

the thought of hugging dream brought a smile to my face. feeling comforted in the arms of dream. embracing in his hug, never wanting to let go. it was a relieving feeling i've been holding onto ever since we met. a feeling that would finally be released in a week. it hard to know someone for over five years and never being able to hug them. and see them, but i didn't care about that.

i guess seeing dream was a plus but it will definitely be something i'm not used to. i went multiple years guessing what he looks like, by looking at fanart, and even just letting him describe himself to me. i have always been used to just listening to his voice, and figuring out his expressions from that. but that changes in a week from now. i'll finally be able to see wha he looks like. i'll be able to see him whenever he's laughing, wheezing, and even flirting with me.

it sounded exciting knowing what he looked like. be able to actually see his expressions, instead of through a phone screen. i was excited to meet dream. and of course sapnap as well. but this...thing grew, between dream and i. pulling us even closer than we were.

i didn't want to wait for the week to pass. because i knew the more i think about it, the longer it will seem. but in the end it would be worth all of it.

"dream i'm really excited to meet you"

words- 706
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