Chapter ten: "Manners Missy! Manners!"

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I hauled my suitcase as if it were a body bag being dragged by a killer in the middle of night.

I marched towards the back of Adams' car and yanked the trunk door open of the matte Black BMW. My gaze met the random junk dispersed around the trunk, from briefcases to blazers to at least 15 pairs of runners.

Placing the red suitcase that was probably 15 pounds over weight beside me, my eyebrows lifted in surprise.

Hmm how odd. Adams isn't physically involved in any of the cases anymore. Since he began holding the title of head Agent, his responsibilities have consisted of him assigning cases to the agents he believes will do the best work for the operation, analyzing the budgets of Secretum Academy, meeting with head agents of other institutions and numerous lame things I couldn't even imagine doing in a million years. But what I don't understand is why is all of this stuff in here? What could he possibly need 15 pairs of runner for? Weren't a pair or two sufficient?

I picked up a pair of Nike sneakers and felt the loose threads and rips of the shoe underneath my fingertips. They appeared over worn with faded mud stains on the edges.

"Hey." Nix came running after me and seemed out of breath. "Can you also put mine in there? I need to go speak with my dad before we depart for the airport."

"Yeah. Hey, before you leave, check these out." Her bright red head popped over my shoulder and she stared at the shoes with a blank expression in her eyes.

"Um, they look nice... I guess. I don't really know what's so interesting about them?"

"Look at how many sneakers he has." I gestured towards the whole shoe store it seemed like he had open and running in his car trunk.
"I don't know if he goes to the gym or not but why would he need fifteen pairs of runners for that?" I peeked inside the shoe and noticed the size. It was a seven.

I gasped. "Look." I elbowed Nix in the ribs and she groaned in pain.

"What?" She hissed.

"It's a size seven!" I exclaimed. "He does not have size seven shoes and I know that for a fact because he once threw one of his loafers at me when I pinned the tail on his nephew instead of the donkey." I looked up at the sky thinking of that day.

It was a good day. I had gotten to watch Skit, Adams' nephew cry which was probably the highlight of that year.

Everyone hated Skit, even Adams. He was an arrogant, spoiled, greedy, self-centered urchin that would always spark the urge in me to drown him in the kiddie pool. If he was present now, I'd probably bite him and allow the venom to work it's way into his bloodstream and slowly drain the life out of him and I would simply stand there, watching him hold on to dear life and la-

"...costume department."
I was broken away from my murderous fantasies by Nix.

"Huh? What'd you say?"

"I said that these shoes and the other clothes are probably for the costume department. We're always running out of clothes for the undercover agents to wear. He probably just found some and picked them up." She shrugged.

"But the-"

"Al stop. You always do this. A small detail you notice and blow it out of scale. They're just some old pair of shoes. It's not a big deal."

She lifted her suitcase by its handle on the top but it only lifted about half an inch from the ground and it slipped out of her grasp, falling back on the pavement. The wheels of the suitcase slammed on the ground with a strong force.

Our eyes followed the little black wheel that broke and started rolling away. She sprinted after it while I turned back towards the task at hand. Maybe I was overreacting.

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