Chapter thirty-six: Hope

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It was as if someone had smashed a glass container in an empty room. The chatter, the noise around us had all faded away. Nothing else was of importance, just the shards of the glass that lay on the ground, that was the focus of everyone's attention.

Someone could've have walked into the store, claiming to gun us all down and I wouldn't have even flinched. The weight of her words were still hitting me. Agent Adams was coming to Miami. Agent Adams was coming to Miami. They knew. They knew about the money.

She started moving towards where the cashier was but I grabbed a hold of her arm, not harshly but in fear. The fear of what was to unfold next.

"Why? Why is he coming?" I whispered so lowly that I wasn't sure if she had even heard myself.

Del clicked her tongue. "He has not disclosed his reasons." She pulled away from me and took her wallet out. I watched her, as she calmly paid for the groceries, without giving away even a hint as to why he was coming here. There was no smirk or gleam. If I was being kicked out, permanently this time, I could've bet you she would've been buying all the champagne she could.

She wasn't though but I wasn't sure if that really conveyed anything. She didn't seem worried either. That was another problem. All these people were professional liars. They lied so well that if there was a bag of money in front of a thief, these peoples' acting skills could persuade the thief that they never saw it, even if it was still in their line of vision.

Del snapped her fingers. "Missy, stop daydreaming and take the bags." I grabbed the grocery bags which I was sure was going to be my backpack for whenever I was allowed back in school, placed them in the cart and we rolled out of there.

The weather had been strange lately. You would think the sunshine state would hold true to its name but for the past few days it just had been dark clouds swarming above us. The wind was howling and things were flying around. Newspapers were flying onto car rooftops, the row of grocery store carts in the corner were rattling loudly. People were holding onto their coats and rushing into their cars.

It seemed as if a storm was arriving.


"Alaska, relax!" Relax? I couldn't relax. I was going to be leaving my home for good this time, maybe even being kicked out of this place too and left on my own. I wasn't 18 yet so Adams would probably toss me back where I came from.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead as I continued scrubbing at the pot in the sink. I had been scrubbing it so much that I was sure even the 0.1% of bacteria that the dish soap claimed it left behind was far gone.

"What I don't understand is why is she sitting there like that?" We both turned around from the kitchen sink to the staircase. Del sat on the first step and stared at her cell phone. I had never seen her use it, not even when we were lost and needed the GPS. One call from Adams and now she was glued on it. Nix and I had no idea what she was doing on it, why she was on it? Was she communicating with Adams currently, no idea but she was just staring at it and her sitting on a step rather than an actual chair made it worse.

"Maybe he's coming right now and she's waiting for him." I shook my head. She had told me on the way from K-mart- when I would not stop pestering her with questions that he was arriving in a couple of weeks. The date wasn't exactly confirmed yet but he would be coming sometime around then.

If he was coming to kick me out, one thing didn't make sense. Why did he have to come. They would've sent for a different agent, not the head one, Adams had other important things to do then come here and tell me that I was being expelled. And, why would he stay here? His hotels are all paid for already.

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