Chapter 40: Patty Cake Injuries

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Alright guys, I'm just gonna come out and say it; this book is boring me to death. Like seriously, I hate this book sooo much, it irks me and it bores me. That's pretty much the only reason why I'm ending it and why there's not gonna be a sequel. Sorry.

Oh and I know all the words to the Pepsi Commercial. Bahaha random but true. Also, on Sirius XM during the interview, Harry said 'Like' in like every sentence!

-Alison's P.O.V.

So we just got kicked off of our airplane. And it's all Louis and Harry's fault. If they wouldn't have started streaking and attacking flight attendants with loaves of French Bread, we wouldn't be in this mess! And I know for a fact that Simon will NOT be happy because we're supposed to be in California before 7 so we can prerecord the darn interview! They're gonna be in deep doo doo.

I quickly snap out of my thoughts when I hear Niall say my name.

"Alison, are you alright?" He asks me while gently poking me in the ribs.

"Sure am, I kinda just zoned out, that's all." I answer him.

"Yeah, she zoned out because she was daydreaming about all the things I'd do to her." Harry winks at me. "Just kidding, mate. I'm sticking with my Allecat." He tells Niall after seeing him tense up a bit.

Niall nods then starts laughing for no reason. Harry and I just look at each other in wonder to what my Irish boyfriend is laughing so hard at. After a few minutes of him laughing, he finally calms down well enough so we can ask him what was absolutely hilarious to him.

"Care to explain what's so amusing?" I ask my little leprechaun.

"I was just thinking, Harry likes cats and Alle's nickname is Allecat.... Nevermind, it's not that funny anymore." Niall blushes.

"Why are you blushing? Awwww, my little Nialler is embarrassed!" Harry teases.

"You mean my Nialler!",I say.

"No I mean my Nialler!" Harry says.

This goes on forever till Niall cuts us off and says,"There's enough Nialler to go around!" I give him a look that says 'I'm sure as hell not sharing you with him' so he quickly adds,"But I'm mostly Alison's Nialler!" I grin in satisfaction as Harry pouts.

"So uh...what do we do now?",Louis asks no one inparticular.

"I guess we could rent a car since we're in Las Vegas. It won't take THAT long to get to Cali from here," Liam ponders aloud.

"I want to play patty cake! Niall, play patty cake with me!",I say putting my hands up.

"Erm...okay,I might mess up,but okay.",Niall says.

We were off to a good start till Niall missed my hand,and wasn't paying attention then wound up hitting me in the eye.

"Niall! You just hit my eye!" I scream while putting a hand over my right eye.

"Ermagosh, I'm so sorry, Allibear!" Niall yells right as Louis, Harry, Zayn, and Liam scream,"Niall!"

"It's alri- Ow! That freaking hurts! Niall, you're not supposed to play pattycake that hard!" I scream at my boyfriend.

"I'm so so so sorry, Allisauras! I swear, I didn't mean to hit you! Niall goes to hug me but Liam pushes him away as he makes his way towards us from one of the plastic chairs lacrosse from us.

"Here, let me look at your eye." Liam says as he moves my hand away from my eye.

Everybody (Niall, Harry, Bethany, Zayn, & Louis) crowds around me as Liam inspects the damage Nialler has caused. Niall wipes the tears that I didn't realize fell.

"Niall! Alison's gonna have a black eye! Look at it, it's already swelling! Zayn, go ask one of the ladies at the desk for an ice pack or something cold to put on Alison's face," Liam goes into Daddy Direction mode and orders Zayn.

-Halfway to L.A.

"The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round. All through the town!" Louis, Niall, Liam, Bethany,Harry, and I sing.

"Shut up, please! I beg of you! Shut your faces!" Zayn begs us.

We ignore his pleads and continue singing,"The babies on the bus go (A/N Umm... Basically, they cry but idk how to write that so I'm gonna just put Waaah because that's how you say it) Waaah, waaah, waaaah. Waaah, waaah, waaah. Waaah, waaah, waaah. All through the town."

Zayn starts covering his ears and singing "La la la" over and over again in a sad attempt to block out the song.

"The Mommy's on the bus go Shhh, shhh, shhh. Shhh, shhh, shhh. Shhh, Shhh. All through the town!" We finish singing and Zayn sighs in relief.

After a bit of small talk, we all quiet down and start listening to the radio.

I take my phone out and text Shaley since she's in America, too.

To: Shaley No Boobs ;)

We're ¾ of the way to the studio so you better get your arse there!

"The nose is like, the boner of the face," Zayn says randomly after like 7 songs.

Everybody turns to look at the Bradford boy who is looking out the van window as if he's deep into thought. After a moment or so, he realizes that we're all looking at him.

"What?" He questions us.

"Ummm... You said something about a boner and a face?" Bethany says while trying not to laugh.

"Oh.. Did I say that out loud?" Zayn blushes as we nod.

"Well since you said it, you might as well explain your logic!" I demand Zayn who turned around thinking that we wouldn't want to know the explanation upon his statement.

After turning back to us, he says," Well like," he laughs nervously."I guess the bigger the nose is, the bigger the boner gets. Which explains why I have the biggest nose in the band!"

Liam, Niall, Bethany, and I burst into laughter at Zayn's explanation while Harry and Louis yell,"My nose is bigger than yours!"

All of a sudden, we hear a voice from the back of the van where our suitcases are say,"Actually, I think Liam has the biggest nose!"


So, who's in the back of the van? :)

Ermagosh guys, I totally forgot about Bethany so I had to go back and edit her into the chapter -.-

Thanks for 22,000 reads! Holy cheese, that's a lot.

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