Chapter 6: Nando's & Mean Waitresses

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We're almost halfway to Nando's when some 'overly dedicated fans' decide that it's

the perfect time to chase us down the street and attempt to take pictures of us and get

autographs. We run the rest of the way to Nando's where some security guards are 

waiting for us to arrive.

"Get inside the building!!" They yell to us when they see the mob of fans running

after us.

"You don't gotta tell this lad twice," Zayn says running inside Nando's.

The rest of us follow the security guards' orders and go inside.There are people being 

ushered out of all the exits when we get in and we exchange confused looks.

Zayn joins us."The owners are taking everybody out of here so we can have the 

whole restaurant to ourselves," he explains.

"Yesssss! Finally, my dreams come true!!!!!" Niall practically screams with a grin

the size of Jupiter playing on his face. Then, he pulls out some kind of card from his

back pocket and gives it to a random waitress and says," Put it on this!" 

"What's that thing he gave her?" I ask Liam.

"Oh, Nando's gives celebrities a black card. It means they can get any food for free."

I give him a slightly confused look but say," Okay then.."

We get a table in the middle of the restaurant away from all the windows so the fans

won't go crazy and try to break all the glass to get to the band. I suddenly think of

some wacko fan attempting to break down one of the windows to reach the boys

and burst into fits of laughter.

"What are you laughing at??" Harry asks.

But I can't answer because I'm laughing so hard. 

"Liam, did we break her???" Louis asks in a concerned manner.

'I can't stop laughing!!!' I think to myself. 'If I don't quit laughing, I'll die from lack

of breath and they'll have to bury me because I laughed myself to death. Bahahaha!

Death by laughter!!' Which only makes me laugh harder, if that's even possible.

After about 5 minutes, I finally calm down enough to quit laughing and can actually 


"Care to tell us what was so funny, love?" Zayn questions me

"I was just thinking about what would happen if some obsessive, wait excuse me, 

'Dedicated' fan tried to bust down one of the windows.." I say calmly.

They give me a 'What the fudge?" look but I brush it off.

A waitress walks up holding a notepad and ready to write, not even looking

at us. "So what can I get y'all?" 

Niall begins to say something but Louis cuts him off by saying," No! Bad boy! Niall, 

you order last!!!" 

"Whyyyy? I'm hungryy," He whines.

The waitresses head snaps up when Louis says Niall's name.

"Holy Crap!! Y-y-you're One Direction!

"Why yes, yes we are, my lovely," Harry says with a smirk.

The waitress smiles at him and bats her eyelashes in an attempt to be sexy and

I roll my eyes at the exchange going on in front of me.

I fake gag and say," Ewwww! I think I just lost my appetite," while gripping my


All the boys but Harry laugh and the waitress gives me a death stare. I play it off

and say," What's good here?"

"Everything!" Niall yells almost as soon as I ask.

I giggle and say," You sure?"

And he replies with," Heck yes! I live and breathe Nando's"

"It's true, he does," Zayn agrees.

"O-Kay then," I say to the boys, and to the waitress I say," I'll have whatever

Liam's having, I guess."

The boys order and I zone out to what they're saying and begin thinking about 

Jake. 'I know he cheated on me, but I still miss him. I miss our fun times together, 

like when we painted my room back in the states and when we went skinny 

dipping in his po--' I think to myself before getting snapped back to reality by

somebody poking me in the tummy.

"You okay there? You just zoned out.." Niall asks in a concerned manner.

"Yeah, I was just.. thinking." I answer him.

They say Ok and it gets quiet.

"Louis, why did Niall have to order last?" I ask him

"Niall, if given the chance, could eat all the food in the world and not leave a 

crumb in sight," Zayn answers for him and Niall blushes.

"Guys! Why didn't the chicken cross the road?" Louis asks excitedly.

"I dunno. Why?" Harry answers in a monotone.

" 'Cause Niall ate it before he could!" He yells while jokingly slaps his knee

while laughing.

We start laughing earning us some unapproving glares from the unsuccessfully

sexy waitress.

We chat about random things like my life back home and our favorite things.

Our food arrives and we immediately begin eating.

I moan in appreciation for the scrumptious food. And i finish my plate in less

than two minutes.

When the boys see my empty plate the say," Danggggg! Niall, you got you 

some competition here," and they look at his half empty plate.

He gasps and looks down at his plate then starts shoveling more food into

his mouth.

"Niall! Don't forget to swallow," I say in a teasing manner. 

He grunts in reply then goes back to eating.

We finish up our food and go out the back door with a bunch of security guards

surrounding us. We make our way to a phone store where we buy the new 

Android phone and a rainbow phone case with a bunch of rage faces on it.

 We call a car to come get us and take us back to the boys' flat where we stay up 

until 3 am watching Family Guy re-runs on Netflix.


Sorry guys, if I've let you down with this update, that asshole of a teacher expects us to

learn a poem from Hamlet and recite it in front of our whole class with no help. (I hate public

speaking) And I've put off memorizing it until tonight and we have to recite it tomorrow. 

Grrrrrrr. I'm the worst procrastinator ever!

-Emily :/

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