Chapter 41: Carrots & Sexually Frustrated Teenagers

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I'm so sorry guys, I'm such a horrible author. Sorry for the long wait with the update, if I would've updated earlier in the week then everybody would have gotten buttraped by an elephant, attacked by rabid meerkats, and died in some freakin nuclear explosion because I've been in such a horrible mood lately. I'm SUPER busy with sports and school. Umm... Anywho, my updating schedule is going to be every other week. ANYWAYS, ON WITH THE CHAPTER!

-Alison's P.O.V.

"Alright, so here's how it's gonna go down, after a couple of questions from the interviewer then when they ask the 'Who's single and who's not question,' you'll come out. No time for questions! Just don't screw up! Bethany is MIA, so you two will have to do the interview without her. You're friends, Adiba and Summer are in the front row waiting for the interview to end." Some stage manager tells us in such a rush, I barely have time to comprehend it.

She begins fiddling with my already perfect curly hair while another fiddles with Shaley's beautimous straight hair. As they fix our hair, I hear the boys' interviewer asking them about their newest album, Take Me Home. I hear Liam telling her about a tour that the boys are starting in February. The stage manager finishes doing whatever to my hair right as the interviewer lady asks the question.

We walk onstage right as Harry, Louis, and Niall raise their hands. The crowd watching claps their hands once they see Shaley and I walking towards the boys. The interviewer asks the boys,"So who are these two lovely ladies?" after tearing her gaze from the boys.

"Alison is Liam's half sister, but most importantly, she's my beautiful girlfriend." My boyfriend tells the lady.

"And Shaley is my gorgeous, carrot-loving, kneesock-wearing, Twinkie-eating girlfriend!" Louis shouts in excitement as we sit down in the only two free chairs.

"Ohhh, so here we have 2/5 of the 1D girlfriends. Harry, where's your girlfriend?" The interviewer asks Harry who has a sad look on his face.

"Alle had a family event that she couldn't miss.." Harry says in his slow speaking tone and the crowd just sighs... in satisfaction? Great, the crowd consists of carrots and sexually frustrated teenagers..

"Oh, well I wish the best for your relationships! Are the any unknown secrets you can let us in on? We'll keep it between the 9 of us; each of you, me, and the crowd can count as one big person!"

"We'd love to, Lauren, but I'm afraid management won't let us say a lot!" Zayn tells the interviewer in a gleeful manner.

"We're going to be doing more stuff with the crowd!" Harry says with a sweet smile.

"Yes! We can now do stuff with the first two or three rows!" Niall exclaims.

"Which means Liam can now steal more peoples phones and take videos on them!" Louis says with a laugh.

"Well that's really good. Any thing else you guys can share? Is there anything you two know? " Lauren asks Shaley and I. We just shake our heads 'No' and continue sitting awkwardly.

Liam clears his throat and asks,"Actually, would it be alright if I make an announcement?"

Lauren looks confused but nods yes so he starts his speech."Well ummm.. I don't really know how to say this so I'm gonna come out and say it. Summerkins, will you be my girlfriend?"

Zayn, Louis, Harry, Niall, Shaley, Lauren, and I all turn to look at Liam in amazement then to Summer to wait for her answer. The crowd is frantically looking around for who Summerkins may be.

The Ginger we call Summerkins looks really conflicted for a moment but then receives a nudge from my old friend, Adiba. She yelps, blushes, then quickly nods her head yes. Liam lets out a sigh of relief then runs towards the stands to give Summer a hug. She meets him halfway and as they embrace, the crowd 'Awwwws.'

"OMG! 4/5 of One Direction is now taken! Girls, get yourself prettied up because Zayn is now the ONLY single boy from 1D!" Lauren shouts.

Shaley and I laugh then say together,"Happy Boyfriend Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor!" I hear Harry do a dork cough and roll my eyes. So what? Me and Shaley are die-hard Tributes. And besides, we already know we're dorks. (A/N If that's in somebody's story, I'm sorry! Im watching The Hunger Games while writing this part, I'm not trying to steal anybody else's story or some crap like that)

The boys, Shaley, Lauren, and I congratulate Summer and Liam once they break out of there embrace.

*End of the interview*

"Well that's all the time we have! Thank you for joining us! And to the people in the crowd, look under all of your seats because you're all going home with free 1D swagbags and an autographed copy of Take Me Home!" Lauren says to one of the cameras filming.

"Annnddd We're clear!" A voice from offstage yells who I assume is some director or some important person.

Everybody on the stage (Me, Shaley, Summer, the boys, and Lauren) sigh in relief as the audience applauds. Adiba jumps on stage to give me a big hug since Shaley went back home about a week after I got the news about my Mom. After I pull away from the embrace me and my gorgeous friend had, we make our way offstage.

As soon as we walk off stage, I catch view of one of the people I hate the most, 

My stepdad.


Sorry for such a late update, if you're a little confused, about the story, tweet me @craicyourself or comment it on here. Just to clear this up, Shaley went back to California about a week after she received the news about her Mom. 

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-Emily <333

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