White roses and White gold

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As Alec entered the loft, he dropped the keys on the side table and entered the living room. "Magnus?", said Alec. He was probably in the study or maybe in their bedroom, Alec thought. As he turned towards the bedroom, he noticed him. Magnus. Magnus was wearing a black suit with black button-ups and a black blazer whose seams were lined with glittery silver. His hair was spiked swept across his forehead with silver highlighted tips, which surprisingly made him look younger. His eyes were lined with smudged black eyeliner and undeniably sparkly silver glitter. He wore a white gold ring on his right hand and a platinum ear cuff.

 Alec's jaw— he was wearing his usual black cargo pants with a dark grey shirt and a black leather jacket and his feet were covered with a pair of black ankle boots. And the only piece of jewellery, a white gold band around his left ring finger, was visible. His hair was ruffled and tangled. And eyes sparkling as he looked at Magnus— dropped.

He walked across the room towards Magnus and reached his right hand to his face. As if to cup his cheeks but he didn't. His hand hovered near his face as he spoke," Can... can I touch you?"With an innocent smile, Magnus nodded. Alec drew his hands closer to his face and cupped it. And gasped.

"This is real," his whisper was filled with surprise. "I couldn't believe when I saw you first. ", continued Alec," You look so.... your stunning hair with that blazer and the perfect makeup..... you look amazing!"There was a silence while both of them looked at each other when Alec spoke again," And I also didn't want to ruin your make up by smudging it with my hands, "Magnus chuckled. "Oh, My sweet Alec, thank you,"

"What were you saying when I walked in?"

"You mean, what I spoke when you were busy ogling me?", Magnus smirked and then laughed.

And He felt Alec loosening his grip on his cheek and reached out with his left hand and placed it on Alec's hand on his cheek. He closed his eyes at the touch and almost purred. He then slightly moved his face and kissed Alec's hand.

A smile crept on Alec's face. Then he brought their entwined hands lower. "Come with me", he said and dragged Alec across the hall towards their bedroom and into the balcony. Today was filled with mesmerising surprises, Alec thought as they entered the balcony. It was completely decorated in various shades of Black and Silver. The small silver detailing on the black centre table, around the railings and everywhere, gave an illusion as if the entire galaxy had poured over their balcony. The night sky only complimented it. Magnus slid down around the round table which was topped with a slender and slick black vase and had three perfectly bloomed white roses but Alec kept standing.

"Do you want me to change?", asked Alec. A deep frown crossed Magnus's face. He was confused about what, how or why Alec was asking such a weird question today. A smile crept on Alec's face. " I meant my clothes," he said casually. Magnus's relief was clearly visible in his bright smile. " No," he said. " I'm hungry"So, Alec slid down on the chair opposite Magnus around the round table.

Magnus snapped his fingers, and the vase with the white roses disappeared, and various platers appeared. A pizza. A ramen bowl. A bowl of French fries. A plate full of kebabs. A hibiscus Mojito for Alec. A vodka martini for Magnus. And a few other dishes as well. Alec thought these dishes didn't make any sense together but those were his and Magnus's favourite food items. They sat there with their legs touching under the table and ate and talked about anything to everything. The city light of Alicante glowering on their faces while they had, "This is the best date ever!", exclaimed Alec and reached his right hand towards Magnus's left on the table. 

He softly stroked it with his thumb as he spoke again, "Happy third Anniversary, Magnus,"

"Happy Anniversary to you, too, my dear husband"

Alec smiled," I got you something," He reached into the pocket of his pants and took out a small black velvet box. A jewellery box. He opened it and inside were two white gold pendants. A mini arrow. And two stars, a large one followed by a small one. Both of the pendants glowed in the night sky. "I remembered how much you liked wearing that arrow ear cuff and how sad and mad you were at Izzy for borrowing those and misplacing them. So I bought you something similar to that. And another one for me. The shimmery stars."

Magnus slowly took out the pendant, it was threaded with a thin white gold chain and examined the details. It was very small. About 2cm. A thin diamond dust layer coated it and a slightly larger diamond, barely visible, shined at the arrowhead. "I love it. Thank you, Alexander!"He kept it back in the box. 

"I'll wear it later. My hands are dirty. "

 "It's alright.", replies Alec. And then he continued again, "Thank you, for everything, Mags. Today was amazing. I feel like my vocabulary's dead. All I can think about is how amazing the dinner was. And the amazing white roses. And amazing food. And the amazing breeze. And the amazing decorations. And my amazing Magnus..."His was trailed off as he looked down at his empty plate.

"I love you, Magnus. I know I've said this many a times before but I feel like..." his right thumb stopped stroking, and it was Magnus's turn to stroke Alec's back of the hand. And he continued," These aren't just some random words for me that a couple says to each other. I actually mean them. My body loves you. Every cell in me loves you. My heart and mind love you. And my soul loves you. But still, whenever I compare the amount of love I have for you, nothing stands against it. Nothing is as valuable and precious to me. I don't think I can ever actually tell you or show you how much I love you. Thank you for letting me love you..." tears were rolling down his cheeks as he continued to stare at his plate.

Magnus got up and went around the table and knelt in front of Alec. Alec too slid into the ground, kneeling in front of him. Magnus brought his free hand to Alec's cheek and brushed his tears away. He kissed both of his cheeks lightly and then spoke, both of his hands cradling Alec's face," Look at me, love"Alec slowly flicked his eyelashes towards Magnus and saw how much more beautiful he looked up close.

"Alec, I know, honey. You don't need to prove your love to me. I know. And I love you, too. It is a privilege to love you and be equally, if not more, loved back by you. " Magnus' eyes were now sparkling with tears threatening to fall as a gentle smile appeared on his face."I'm never leaving you, Alexander. Never. You don't have to worry about being alone ever again. I will always be with you."

Alec leaned in and softly brushed his lips on Magnus'. The kiss was slow, soft and lingering, filled with love and promises. When they broke off Alec saw the tearing rolling down Magnus's cheek. He quickly wiped them off," Hey! Don't cry. You don't want your perfect makeup to get rued." "Oh, I only buy waterproof, best quality makeup, Alexander." And they both chuckled as Alec leaned in again to kiss his love, his life, his world.

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