Valleys of Break Ups

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It was a chilly eve in November. Nonetheless the streets were crowded. Some were returning home. Some were hyper Christmas enthusiasts, buying gifts and tinsel.

Magnus was lying on the back, on his bed. He had been there. For how long? He had no clue.

Surrounded by the darkness. Both around himself and his heart. He stared up at the ceiling, unseeing.

Little did he know, in another room, in another part of the city, his darling had been doing the same.

Darling. The word seem to hurt more than his actual would ever have.

However, the world went on. It always did.

Some people said, when hearts break, so does a piece of our world. This creates valleys, fissures and even cracks in the pavements.

The Grand Canyon was formed when the Prince of Alicante had died, his wife had been in hysterics.

Magnus was scared he was going to shatter the world apart.

But his mind refused to shut down, it kept bringing up moments. Moments with Alexander.

"The Chairman likes you,"

"Stop telling me to let go. If you fall, I want to fall with you,"

"Maybe Alexander Lightwood wouldn't break his heart,"

Maybe Alexander Lightwood wouldn't break his heart. That hurt too much. Magnus couldn't handle this.

He was so distracted that he didn't even notice someone entering his house. House, it didn't feel like home. Not anymore, not after Alec had left. Not after he told Alec to leave.

A soft knock broke him out of his reverie, but he was too tired to answer.

Another knock. Another moment of silence.

Then the door opened. Everything was so dark, Magnus couldn't see. He didn't have enough energy to see. Enough will to see.

He heard a shuffle and long fingers tapped his shoulders. "Magnus," said Alec.

No. No, it hurts so much. Too much. No, he can't. Hearing his voice resurfaced more memories and clouded his mind further. He wanted to cry. He wanted to cry until he drowned the world, but tears seemed to have escaped him.

His face was twisted when he felt a drop hit his cheek, he looked up. Alec had a steady stream of tears flowing down his cheeks.

"Magnus, please.", he said and turned to the side table. He retrieved a glass of water and repeated, pleaded.

Alexander was here. He was here. Magnus wanted to hug him. Kiss him. His Alexander was here! Yet, Magnus was too tired.

Alec went to the window and threw the curtains open. So, it was morning now.

Alec helped Magnus sit up and brought him a bowl of cereal and two cups of coffee. They sat in the bed and drank in silence.

Magnus felt better.

Then threw his arms wide and engulfed Alec.

"I am sorry," they whispered together.

"Stay with me. Stay with me then, hon." Magnus said.

He felt Alec nod and his heart exploded with joy.

Sure, they had a lot to talk about. A lot to sort through. But they needed each other. And if they were together, they could break the world apart and sew it back together as if it were completely new...

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