Be My Inspiration

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The afternoon was breezy and Magnus was running late. Now it wasn't atypical for him to be late to things, but today's situation was different.

In retrospect, he wasn't actually expected anywhere, he was just not feeling it.

The way inspiration and creativity usually led to his extravagant innovations was missing today.

So, he'd decided to move his artsy corner to the park. He'd gathered his brushes and palette, his canvas and his myriad of paint tubes, and walked into the garden.

He chose a calm and secluded region of the park and assembled his ensemble on the bank of the pond.

One hand on his waist, the other holding the palette with a paintbrush between his teeth and a little pencil tucked behind his ear, Magnus tried to focus. But his mind seemed to have other plans.

He closed his eyes and thought of the sea, the breeze, the scent of sandalwood, the things which usually helped to calm him down.

But nothing seemed to work today.

After spending about an hour and a half, he decided to leave and churn his brain to make it pop new ideas later.

He hastily gathered and cradled his art supplies and walked out of the main gate, with the pencil still tucked behind his ear.

Now, if somebody asked Magnus why was he so hurried, he probably wouldn't have any valid answer to that.

He felt frantic for some unknown, unexplainable reason.

He cut through the crowd of the afternoon dwellers like an arrow soaring through the blue sky. And bumped into someone, spilling everything onto the stranger.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry-" Magnus said as he tried to amend his mistake and successfully smeared some more purple paint on the stranger's shirt.

The stranger must have been an angel to not have shouted at Magnus yet for ruining his shirt. He just looked down at his shirt and whispered to no one in particular, "Oh, I'll have to wash it."

Magnus had been picking up his supplies and that's when he looked up and saw the person with such a beautiful voice.

The boy was the most gorgeous person Magnus had ever seen. He had velvety blue eyes and ruffled black hair. And perfect eyebrows.

Magnus could tell they weren't drawn on or anything, the boy naturally had amazing eyebrows.

Magnus was a little jealous.

The boy cast his eyes toward Magnus and said, "It's alright,"

At the same time, being mesmerised by the boy, Magnus blurted out, "Let me paint you,"

"I- What?"

That was when the realisation hit him and he wanted the ground to erupt and swallow him whole rather than face the embarrassment. "I... I am an artist, I wasn't able to focus today or generate any new ideas but now that I saw you, my mind is churning crazy. So, I made a mental note to draw you, or something inspired by you, which, well, wasn't made very mentally, I guess."

"Oh, I'm Alec. Alexander Lightwood," Alec said and offered his hand to shake.

"I am Magnus Bane." Magnus shook.

Alec smiled a little. Magnus was convinced it was the most adorable thing he'd seen.

"So, tell me Alexander, are you busy right now?"

"No, actually. I was just heading home from work."

"Oh? Would you be interested to volunteer for me? Be my inspiration?"

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