United Again

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Alec was excited to be home early, which was at 10 pm. He opened the main door and was surprised to find his home so quiet. "Magnus?", he called out.

No reply.

He walked to the boys' room and found them tugged in and fast asleep. The room was pretty dark and the glow-in-the-light stars on the ceiling were the only source of light. His enhanced Shadowhunter vision helped and he quickly spotted Magnus. Sat on the bed beside Rafe, with Baby Blueberry on his chest and an open book in his hand, was Magnus, peacefully dozed off. Alec quickly captured the moment in a couple of photographs, with a smile on his face.

He went and took a bath and changed into an old black sweater and yellow sweatpants(which were Magnus's of course). He was kind of suspicious how the one soul who never missed to greet him when he returned home had not even been sighted yet.

And as if on the cue, he spotted Chairman Meow perched on the sofa, asleep. He went over to him and noticed.

He wasn't asleep.

No. Meow was breathing shakily. He didn't even utter a sound when he saw Alec, just looked at him with droopy eyes. Alec knelt and scooped him into the crook of his arm.

Meow looked greyer. Alec had seen enough death to know when things were going downhill.

His mind was flooding with memories. Chairman Meow's Birthday Party. How he had accepted and approved of Alec when he had first come to ask Magnus out. That time when he had thrown a party of just cats for Magnus not knowing what a pleasant surprise it would be for Chairman, too.

Alec kept softly running his fingers through Chairman's fur just the way he knew he'd like it. But Meow only shivered more and snuggled closer to Alec, almost disappearing beneath his arm.

Alec walked over to his cupboard and found the thickest woollen sweater and carefully wrapped Meow in it and help him closer. He sat on the bed and thankfully Chairman's shivers minimised.

He grabbed his phone and googled remedies. Chairman Meow was an ordinary cat with no Magical powers, so mundane medicines would work fine on him.


Alec ordered a strip of Paracetamol from the medicine store just across the street and waited. Seven minutes and quarter-a-dissolved-paracetamol in water later, Chairman Meow's breathing finally evened out.

As if he was too tired to shiver anymore. Not the magic of the medicine.

He texted Magnus, not wanting to walk the kids up.

"My baby, oh, you're going to be all right, hold on. Magnus will heal you," cooed Alec. He did not stop running his fingers lightly. Meow would be fine. He needed to have faith.

And Chairman Meow meowed. Ever so slightly when the door opened and Magnus emerged into the room.

"Hey. Had a busy day and didn't realise I was so tired when I dozed off mid senten-", he stopped abruptly. "Alec? Are you all right?"

Alec hadn't even bothered to keep a calm face. A deep frown and sad eyes were clearly visible and Magnus had always been able to read Alec.

"Chairman Meow. He isn't well. Magnus, please. Do something," concern dripped from Alec's voice.

Magnus was already kneeling beside the bed and soft blue magic extruded from his fingers. His eyes were closed. He was chanting something. Probably all the spells he knew.

Frowning, he shook his head.

Alec knew the Chairman came to Magnus's life about two years prior he came. That would be about ten years ago. Ten years of memories. He had watched how Magnus had changed. How he had become happier, freer and more open after Alec came. How he had adapted as a father for the first time. And then how easily he had embraced Rafe into his little family. Meow had witnessed everything. Even though he wasn't a magical creature, he was more prosperous than other cats. Than other animals.

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